- What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
Your free 20 minute discovery call is an informal opportunity for us to get to know each other a little. You’ll be able to ask me any questions you have about coaching, therapy or my packages and how they work and sound me out to enable you to make an informed decision about what’s best for you. It’s also an opportunity for you to tell me more about what you’d like my help with. I’ve helped people from all walks of life with many differing issues. As appropriate, I can share examples of how I’ve helped others through similar issues and let you know how my therapeutic or coaching services will best serve you.
- What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?
You are my client if you: - Interested and Self-motivated - Open-minded, trusting, non-defensive, willing to go slightly outside of your comfort zone, flexible, committed to the process. - Show-up for appointments (in-person, via phone, video chat, etc.) - Do your “homework” and get it done on schedule 100% honest (candid, vulnerable, “real,” sincere, direct, unguarded, etc.) - Hold to your commitments and “self-accountable” - Accept you are at least partially responsible for your current circumstances, and it’s up to you to sort out your life. (You don’t see yourself as powerless victims of circumstance). I am here to help you, but you are the only ones who can really change your life. The world’s best coach can’t work miracles for people who aren’t ready to change. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. In other words, if you are not thirsty enough for change, you’re not likely to sap wisdom from the coach.