Relationship/Financial coaching
Relationship/Financial coaching

Relationship/Financial coaching

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****************************************************************** This is not an easy process, I truly understand how sensitive this decision is and how important making the right choice is. There are many options and choices as I'm sure you have seen. If your here for help in a challenging financial issue or a stressing relationship coaching need,Finding a coach that you connect with is very important. After 18 years of working with people I have found the fastest way to make that determination is during the free phone consult.On the consult you will have the ability to connect with me ask as many questions as needed and get a real feel for how i work. In addition i will be able to better understand the most important aspect YOUR NEEDS. I will explain everything from strategy to plans, promotion and financing options. Another important factor the consult is not a judgment zone Im here to help you there is nothing to feel bad about sharing. specialty area finance/relationship (I am sorry I do not accept insurance ) financing /promotions available Zelle/cash app/venmo/paypal/Apple Pay

Hired 247 times

Serves Medford, NY

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1 employee

18 years in business

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This pro hasn't listed their business hours.

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Apple Pay, Cash, Credit card, PayPal, Square cash app, Venmo, and Zelle.

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19 photos

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Counseling goals

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Customers rated this pro highly for responsiveness, professionalism, and work quality.

Excellent 4.9

91 reviews


Read reviews that mention:

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Mike Z.
Mar 20, 2024
Thomas is very good at what he does. He has a very calm and professional approach to counseling that works very well for us!
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Sean O.
May 26, 2023

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

This man knows what he’s doing. Me and my husband have only had a few sessions and already see a positive change in our relationship. Next we will be working on bettering our finance together. Tom is stuck with us lol
Marriage and Relationship Counseling
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Josh M.
Jan 23, 2023

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Counseling is my educational background. So often you run into counselors/mentors who have all of the book smarts but no intuition or empathy or plenty of intuition and empathy, but not enough up-to-date education or knowledge in their industry. Tom was very organized, educated, professional, and intuitive.
Marriage and Relationship Counseling
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Lisa P.
Jun 6, 2019

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

This was my first time speaking with Tom i was very impressed how comfortable he made me feel. I will definitely be continuing counseling with him.
Marriage and Relationship Counseling
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Daniel F.
Nov 4, 2015

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Tom has shown that he genuinely cares about how, when, and if I progress. He is invested in whether I actually achieve breakthroughs toward my personal success. Considering that my goals are so immense: to metamorphosize an ashamed, unhappy, ineffective, & lonely guy, with limited professional influence, into a proud, happy, effective, socially fulfilled, & profoundly influential version of myself, it would have been easy for him to give up on me. Even though I'm confident many life coaches in his position would have terminated our relationship months ago, dealing with such a high-maintenance client as myself - expressing to him hundreds of suggestions / criticisms / requests, expecting a personalized experience that caters to my individual needs, and offering frequent pessimism or guarded skepticism at best - he has been patient, flexible, & determined to support my progress. It has been several months since Tom started coaching me, and I have consciously delayed writing a review until I might have a sense not just that he cares and won't give up (after all, that's part of the job description), but that he will actually help me transform myself, in ways that countless others haven't. I have worked with therapist after therapist for years & years, undergone treatment with psychiatrists, hired dozens of countless project collaborators and personal assistants, and tried more times than I can remember to count on the support of family and friends in order to help me make the steady progress needed to break out of a deep debilitating personal rut that has lasted for decades. All of the above have been unsuccessful. I naturally wasn't expecting Tom to be any different. But I gave him a shot, deciding that I deserved a chance for renewed hope. I almost gave up on him and on myself, but he didn't give up on either. And finally, after months of 'blood, sweat, and tears,' I have come to believe there is hope at the end of the tunnel. I'm beginning to make steady transformative progress, and I'm looking forward to the journey that lies ahead. Prerequisites for success: I have to be patient, make a few reasonable leaps of faith, and make an investment in my future, emotionally and financially. I also have to be an active participant and be willing to gradually take the reins myself. I finally have to accept his limitations, while recognizing and counting on his strengths. His limitations: Tom is not a miracle worker, and in comparison to others I've worked with, he's not the most charismatic, inspiring, eloquent, forward, original, perceptive, intellectual, tech-savvy, exciting, or assertive. But his STRENGTHS far outweigh these limitations: He is persistent in his efforts. He is determined to be an ally on the road to victory, offering extra support when needed, never conceding defeat. He is compassionate, showing empathy for my experiences & struggles, frustrations and pain, & and my initial often-pessimistic attitude. He is patient, and will put in the time to understand, listen, and reevaluate / regroup when necessary. He is humble and modest, not expecting recognition, praise, notoriety, credit, or gratitude for going above and beyond. He is affordable, & ends up charging far less money than he could for his time, and far less than any of the other life coaches I considered, let alone being a mere fraction of the cost of a therapist or psychiatrist! He is respectful, as a friend would be, but sensitive & honors any boundaries I set. He never speaks down to me. He is honest, and when requested, very candid about what he thinks needs improvement, more, focus, or a shift in perception. He doesn’t rub me the wrong way as a salesman might, as though I’m a source of income, but always treats me like a person who deserves to achieve his dreams. He is passionate about helping people. He works very hard, often going above and beyond what others would do, putting his clients ahead of his personal life. He is fair, respects agreements, honors his word, readily forgives, and shows lenience. He is creative, willing to try to approach problems from new perspectives and angles. He is open-minded, willing to work with approaches and systems he’s unfamiliar with that I know are likely to be effective. He is trusting, and gives me the benefit of the doubt, while also helping me to become more accountable. He is reliable, and I have been able to count on him in ways I couldn’t count on therapists, employees, mentors, friends, & family. His system of "open access" helps me throughout the week, and this unique system of coaching has been the key to my success, helping me beat procrastination and not lose sight of my goals. He is flexible, & accommodates limitations, changes, and conflicts with my schedule, deficiencies in my attitude, and treats my perceived failures like learning opportunities to take a new, more promising approach. He is resilient, and puts up with much more than necessary for someone in his position, and never complained once to me about it. Finally, he is kind, complimentary, and friendly. He's like that 'conscience on your shoulder.' I would recommend him to anyone who is considering hiring a life coach, or to anyone who has unfulfilled dreams they know they deserve to and could achieve, but haven't. Thank you, Tom, for your efforts, and quality work :)
Life Coaching
Background Check

Thomas Iaboni