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Happy Paws K-9 Academy
Happy Paws K-9 Academy

Happy Paws K-9 Academy

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Aside from working with your pup we work with you and are here to answer any questions and give you guidance for the life of your pup. Your pups good behavior is a reflection of our work - so the more issues we can resolve the happier you and your pup will be and better we will look to you and your friends. Working and gaining the trust with you and your pup. There is nothing more rewarding than creating a well balanced happy pup.
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  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    We deal mainly in basic household obedience and off leash control. We turn bad behavior into good habits.

  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Let us give you a free consultation so that we may evaluate your needs and goals and educate you in the tools we use and how they will change your pup into a well balanced happy dog.