My name is Tru! I have been in tune with my gifts since the age of 8 years old. Being noticeably highly empathic and intuitive by family members, co workers and peers, people gravitated towards me and I naturally started giving spiritual advice by reading aura energy with no tools at age 20.
I have genuinely always enjoyed and been passionate about helping and guiding others not realizing I am Clairsentient and Claircognizant until age 20.
By age 22 I started working with crystals to assist me in readings and at 23 I finally started to offer fortune and tarot readings in person and over the phone for peers, friends, family and strangers using crystals, tarot cards, oracle cards and fortune telling cards after my spirit guides led me to tarot. I also use pendulums and astrology to assist me as well. For the last 10 years I have been offering and specializing in spiritual advice for personal growth, general life readings, career readings (including destiny and life path readings), love and relationship readings through a word-of-mouth way of booking. I am now a certified Reiki Practitioner who enjoys healing and reading energy through my hands and intuition after having studied and receiving all of my attunements at NYC Reiki Institute. Over the last 2 years I have been working as a Youth Mental Health Counselor, at a nonprofit organization working with ages 13-24.