Rufina Gorin
Rufina Gorin

Rufina Gorin

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Probably my service will appeal to parents and adult students who are interested in music education, structured & consistant. Seing constant improvement of my students performances at the each recital. Seing how they mature musically, gaining knowledge and understanding of music as well as enjoying the process of learning. That probable is the most important combination for a teacher.
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Debbie H.
Jul 31, 2011
We are so happy to have Rufina Gorin as Annika's piano instructor for our daughter, Annika Hansen. Annika has been playing piano for many years but casually. Rufina has taken Annika under her wing and shown her the classical side of piano. Last year Annika played three songs, with her music, at the Guild Auditions. This year, under Rufina's guidance, Annika played ten memorized songs, each played perfectly. Rufina has inspired Annika to play beyond her expectations. Often, I hear Annika go beyond what she is supposed to play for her lessons and plays popular music she downloads off the internet. Rufina has taught Annika confidence in her playing. Rufina is professional and treats each student with kindness and respect.
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Carol W.
May 5, 2012
Rufina Gorin is an exceptional piano teacher. My two girls have been taking lessons with Rufina for two years and it's amazing how much they've progressed with her. Rufina had opened her own music school in the Bay Area many years ago before relocating here in Incline Village. Teaching countless numbers of students has given her enormous perspective and enables her to relate to both of my girls even though they have very different learning styles. In addition to being a wonderful teacher for music theory and technique, she possesses an abundance of patience and really wants to instill a love of music in her students. Both of my girls have participated in the Guild Auditions each year since Rufina is a member and it's nice to have a national standard for their progress. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Rufina for those who are looking for a very professional and highly qualified teacher. We are lucky to have someone like her in Incline Village.
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Deanne W.
Jul 30, 2013
Our 8 year old daughter has been studying piano with Mrs Gorin for 1 year and the progress shown during this time is fantastic. Mrs Gorin demands a fair amount of work from her students but is very kind and flexible allowing children to learn in their own way. Mrs Gorin has an innate sense of when and how to push a child to get desired results without undue frustration and argument. She pushes and reacts to progress (both good and bad) in a measured, thoughtful and consistent way. Expectations are very clear to the student and are consistently reinforced all year, not just right before a performance. As a result Carly both loves and respects Mrs Gorin, looks forward to her lessons and gains positive reinforcement from her own progress, not just parents and teachers' sometimes empty compliments. Carly knows that a compliment from Mrs Gorin is something to be earned and treasured. I highly recommend Mrs Gorin if you are truly interested in learning piano.
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Lionel P.
Sep 22, 2013
Our daughter Rachel has been playing piano for 10 years. In our opinion Rufina Gorin is the most thorough piano teacher our daughter has had the privilege to take lessons from. Rachel made tremendous progress in her 10 months of study with Mrs. Gorin. Mrs. Gorin chose appropriate classical repertoire with an emphasis on correct technique. She provided Rachel with great support in the preparation for performances and competitions, including how to interact with the audience and judges and how to mentally prepare for a performance with attention to detail in even how Rachel should dress. Rachel’s lessons went beyond just technical execution of music and included discussions about mental preparation and meditation. She also spent time with Rachel listening and critiquing music performances outside of Rachel’s scheduled lesson time. Rachel received excellent preparation and coaching for her college auditions. Mrs. Gorin made time in her schedule to attend Rachel’s college audition recording session. Mrs. Gorin took the extra step in corresponding with the professor Rachel would have at her college. She helped Rachel work on piano pieces that her piano professor has continued to work with her on. This gave Rachel a seamless transition to her lessons in college. She currently has two music professors and both are thrilled with her piano skills and the speed of progress that Rachel has demonstrated as an incoming freshman. We can only give Rufina Gorin our highest recommendation as a piano instructor. She is an outstanding teacher and supports her music students beyond just the time spent with them during their lessons.
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Margreet V.
Aug 18, 2014
June 2014. A trusted friend recommended Mrs Gorin to us for piano lessons, as a very experienced, high quality piano teacher. For practical reasons, Mrs Gorin proposed to do the majority of lessons using Skype, and although we were initially a bit skeptical about that, her lessons have proven very valuable. Our son made an impressive progress in his technical and melodic skills, and kept enjoying playing the piano; due to her warm, kind and passionate personality. She chooses musical pieces carefully to improve specific skills, and pays attention to musical theory and composers. She adjusts her lessons to the pupil's wishes and abilities, stimulating excellence. Best wishes, Bart and Margreet Verheij Letter from 13 year old student from Holland: Dear Mrs Gorin, Today I received the piano book you sent me. I want to thank you a lot about that. Also, I received your letter in the front of the book. It is a really nice letter, and I am very happy with it. I wanted to say just how grateful I am having you as my teacher. You are always so nice and kind; it really cheers me up after our lesson. You learned me a lot, but especially how to play beautifully. You learned me the word 'intonation', which is a very important aspect of playing the piano. Also, you gave me a lot of very good tips about playing forte and piano. Thank you again for always being so kind and for learning me so much. Bye, Maarten Verheij