(SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY) (we do get charged by services if someone contacts us) I specialize in Love,Career,Past, Present and Future along with Chakra cleanings raiki Healing and aura analysis
Im here to help you understand your energy and aura and how they change and why.
Allow me to astonish you with my accuracy and help you breakdown the barriers that are holding you back from accomplishing your life’s goals
one palm reading $35
(In person only) Picks up on the lines in your palms and shows a few months ahead for your future
Full life reading $45
(In person only) Both Palms and face reading Answers questions and picks up on energy and vibrations along with the lines in your palms
Half deck reading $95
Half deck tarot card reading Reveals times,dates,initials past present and a few years into your future
Full deck $125
Full deck of tarot card reading Reveals all and answers any questions
For groups of people call for specials
Host event with a psychic
Host your next major event with a palm/tarot reader call for info starting at $150
Crystal ball reading $150
Crystal energy reading that includes past,present,future also aura,energy,past life’s and answers all questions
Chakra healing
Each chakra cleanse starts at $100+
Meditation sessions
In person only please call for more info
Past life research
Can be done over phone, Internet or in person takes 24 hours to get info Starts at $150+