The Lawnmower Guy/ small engine service, repair...
The Lawnmower Guy/ small engine service, repair...

The Lawnmower Guy/ small engine service, repair...

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Lawn mower needs
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I try to keep the attitude that most of what I do any of my customers could do if they they had the time and patience. I have to say,. I like to be up front with my pricing and maybe it's just my addled brain but, I can't find any of those services. Anyway, my prices are as follow. Free pick up and delivery for all jobs over 50.00 Tune up/fservice for push and self propelled mowers 70.00 Tune up/ service for riding and non commercial zero turn mowers 140.00. Carburetor cleaning 50.00 Carburetor replacement 40.00 labor plus the cost of parts (I don't mark up parts) Please contact me directly through my website. Thumbtack is using my face ( and criminal background information) and hard earned reputation to send out leads to all the Pro's on that list with them. If you hear from anyone other than me, I cannot vouch for that person's credibility. Thanks Bruce J Talking to customers. I am by all accounts a goofball who likes telling stories.

Hired 164 times

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1 employee

18 years in business

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This pro accepts payments via Cash, Check, Credit card, PayPal, Square cash app, and Venmo.

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Customers rated this pro highly for work quality, responsiveness, and value.

Very good 4.6

124 reviews


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Rakel R.
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Jerrold K.
Apr 4, 2012

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Susan C.
Jun 11, 2012

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Appliance Installation and Repair
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David C.
Mar 30, 2013

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Lawn Mower Repair
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Harriet J.
Mar 10, 2014

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Hired on Thumbtack

Lawn Mower Repair
Background Check

Bruce Jones

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The Lawnmower Guy/ small engine service, repair...
The Lawnmower Guy/ small engine service, repair...
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Bruce Jones

Completed on 12/3/2019