Reape's Lawn Care
Reape's Lawn Care

Reape's Lawn Care

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I work mostly alone unless it's a real big job. Working alone you make sure the job is done right. I take pride in what I do and I don't want anyone to hurt my business before it really gets off the ground. This way I can focus on the job at hand and please the customer. I enjoy working out doors. I have a garden and flower gardens at home. I like being one with the land. This is a good way to stay in shape. I love the out doors.

Hired 95 times

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2 employees

10 years in business

Business hours

SunClosedMon6:00 am - 6:00 pm

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Cash, Venmo, and Zelle.

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Customers rated this pro highly for work quality, professionalism, and responsiveness.

Excellent 4.9

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Kj S.
Sep 3, 2016

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! I was about to receive a fine from the city due to a tenant that abandoned my property and Reapes stepped in and took good care of my knee high grass - mowed that lawn back to life! Im so grateful! Looks like it was never in bad shape... THANK YOU!
Lawn Mowing and Trimming
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Reuben D.
Nov 1, 2016

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Great gentleman; on time and gave good advice as he completed the work. He also gave me a quote for trimming shrubs and bushes after doing the yard. Although he did not have the tools with him, I felt so comfortable with him I paid him in advance and will trust him to return and finish the work.
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Jared H.
Nov 12, 2017

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Reape's Landscaping did an excellent job on my lawn. I would definitely recommend them to friends and family. I had a tough job where my grass got a little out of hand and Reape's Landscaping came in and took care of my lawncare needs with no problem. Professional, courteous, and just good overall customer service. My lawn looks great. 5 star!
Lawn Mowing and Trimming
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Telesha M.
May 8, 2015

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Mr. Reape did a fantastic job!!! My lawn was a mess! It hadn't been mowed for several weeks. I needed my front lawn, backyard and both sides of my house mowed. Mr. Reape worked alone and did a far better job than others had done even though they had help! So happy I found him!!!
Lawn Mowing and Trimming
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Daniel R.
Aug 4, 2016

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

I currently utilize Hubert's services for landscaping and lawn care. Hubert is punctual, detail-oriented, and a very effective communicator. He tells you when he can come to you ahead of time and also sends out reminders within 24 hours before his arrival. Hubert is quite the professional, I would highly recommend him for landscaping and lawn care!
Lawn Mowing and Trimming
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Hubert Reape

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Reape's Lawn Care
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Hubert Reape

Completed on 8/27/2024