- What should the customer know about your pricing (e.g., discounts, fees)?
Yes, we do have a standard pricing system. The rate may change based on the distance from the office to the delivery address. Delivery fees may be charged
Hired 60 times
Background checked
2 employees
8 years in business
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Top Pros are among the highest-rated, most popular professionals on Thumbtack.
23 photos
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Customers rated this pro highly for professionalism, responsiveness, and work quality.
44 reviews
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Details: Party host • Birthday party • Outdoors • 25 guests or fewer • 4 - 6 years old • Younger than 4 years old • Combo (house and slide)
Vincent Able
Yes, we do have a standard pricing system. The rate may change based on the distance from the office to the delivery address. Delivery fees may be charged