holy sit!
holy sit!

holy sit!

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Experienced pet sitter relocating from Austin, TX to Carriere MS.

Serves Carriere, MS

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1 employee

5 years in business

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Exceptional 5.0

8 reviews


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pro avatar
Past Customer
Oct 11, 2024

From Google

From Google

Holy Sit/Amy and her team are amazing pet sitters. I have at least 2 cats (plus foster kittens) plus 2 dogs plus at least 4 foster dogs. Most of my foster dogs have come from extremely traumatizing situations or are medically fragile. I am able to go on vacation or business travel and know that the pets are well cared for. When I come home the house is spotless and the pets are fed and litter boxes completely clean or pee pads changed. Amy and her team sends status updates a couple times a day including amazing pictures which I'm able to use to promote my fosters. Being in animal rescue it's important for me to get away and recharge. Holy sit pet sitting allows me to completely relax and know my pets are ok.
holy sit!'s reply
Oh my gosh thank you so much! It is a privilege and my pleasure ❤️
pro avatar
Past Customer
Oct 7, 2024

From Google

From Google

Amy is the best! She takes great care of our dog Lola! Amy is excellent about communicating about her visits, sending photos and video. Highly recommend for any pet sitting needs!
holy sit!'s reply
Thank you so much! Your sweet dog is such a joy and it's my honor.
pro avatar
Past Customer
Jul 8, 2024

From Google

From Google

Amy is an amazing fear-free pet sitter. My slightly aggressive Catahoula is like a marshmallow on walks with her. Dog LOVES her. I couldn't be happier.
holy sit!'s reply
Thanks so much!
pro avatar
Past Customer
May 26, 2022

From Google

From Google

10 stars!!! Amy's service is above and beyond. She is the best pet sitter we have had in our decades of having pets. She loves the dogs so much, and they love her! She is thorough with her reports and photos, timely, reliable, reasonably priced. We know that our fur babies are in great hands when Amy comes over, and we do not have to worry about anything. We highly recommend Holy Sit without any reservation - you will be lucky to have her love on your pets!
holy sit!'s reply
This means so much, John. Thanks for the privilege of spending time with them, and for putting your trust in me.
pro avatar
Past Customer
Jul 30, 2021

From Google

From Google

Holy sit! is amazing! Their level of service is above and beyond what most people would expect from a pet sitter. My family and I were on vacation for 9 days, and our pets were treated like part of Amys family. My dog and cat were both given quality play time, snuggles, and lots of love and attention. I told her she didnt need to worry about the litter box because we have a special kind that can go quite some time without being emptied, but we ended up needing her for a few extra days, and she actually searched YouTube for a video to figure out how to do the litter- and bought more litter for us when she discovered we were out! She sent a detailed report for both pets twice a day and lots of pictures. I highly recommend holy sit! You seriously will not find another pet sitter with this level of service!
holy sit!'s reply
holy sit! Thanks so much, Sara! Your babies deserve the very best and it was my sincere pleasure!
Background Check

Amy Gautreaux

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Amy Gautreaux

Completed on 10/7/2021