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Pop-A-Lock specializes in automotive car door unlocking. Our crew is mobile and will meet you at your location to help you with your auto locksmith needs. Do you need an extra key? Let us duplicate one for you, or program your computerized transponder key.
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  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    Residential Locksmith Services Pop-A-Lock will help keep you safe in your home with our residential locksmith services, including door unlocking, lock rekeying, masterkeying, lock repair, lock changes, and more. Our locksmiths, who are monitored and have completed background checks, provide trustworthy and professional locksmith services. Free Emergency Lockout Services Pop-A-Lock provides Emergency Lockout Services. In the event that a child is locked inside a home or vehicle, call us and we'll dispatch our nearest driver to arrive and open the lock free of charge. Free emergency service is our way of contributing to the safety of the children of our community.