ArtFX Design Studios - St. Louis Murals
ArtFX Design Studios - St. Louis Murals

ArtFX Design Studios - St. Louis Murals

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Feel free to discuss direct - info at artfxdesignstudios. com, p# on website. ArtFX Design Studios is a unique commercial art studio that specializes in the custom design, painting, and installation of hand painted murals, chalkboard signs and menu boards, fine art pieces, and artistic solutions for small business, residential and commercial clients. We create custom murals and provide graphic design services along with custom chalkboard signs and menu boards, commissioned fine art, and projects requests that require a unique artistic touch. ArtFX Design Studios serves customers throughout the US. Go to our website, Pinterest or Instagram for examples and contact info.

Serves Saint Charles, MO

Background checked

1 employee

16 years in business

Business hours

This pro hasn't listed their business hours.

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Cash, Check, Credit card, PayPal, Square cash app, Stripe, and Venmo.

Social media

Facebook, Instagram

Top Pro status

Top Pros are among the highest-rated, most popular professionals on Thumbtack.

Top Pro Icon


Projects and media

32 photos

Projects and media

32 photos

Background Check

Robert Gregor