Aaron Beall
Aaron Beall

Aaron Beall

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I'm a freelance designer who specializes in interaction and motion graphics. I'm experienced at both the design and development of my work; for over 10 years I've been creating websites, applications, branding identities, print material and motion graphics. My clients often cite the combination of beautiful design and engaging interactivity as the main trait they appreciate in my work. I like everything related to motion and interaction, and I love projects that require a strong attention to detail.
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Featured Projects

16 photos


  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    1. Designing and building brand new websites. 2. Enhancing existing websites with improved design, engaging interactions and motion design. 3. Designing and creating engaging applications for the desktop, for the web, and for mobile devices. 4. Technical consulting for HTML, CSS, Javascript, Flash AS2 and AS3 projects; fixing things that are broken, improving things, re-working things, etc. 5. Creative branding and logo design.

  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Consider what you are trying to accomplish, and keep the creative process focused on that goal rather than getting caught up in things that don't really matter.