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Smithey Law Group LLC
Smithey Law Group LLC

Smithey Law Group LLC

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Annapolis Employment Lawyer Joyce E. Smithey, Esq. advises employers and employees on matters of discrimination, affirmative action, wage and hour issues, restrictive covenants, and sexual harassment. In addition to handling employment litigation, our attorneys assist employers and employees with employment law compliance, drafting employee handbooks, and providing on-site training sessions to managers and employees on employment law topics. Our attorneys have represented clients in state and federal courts, and before the Department of Labor, the Department of Employee Security, the Commission on Human Relations, the Office of Human Rights, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. They have handled numerous jury trials, federal and state appellate oral arguments, bench trials, motion hearings, equity petitions, and damages hearings. Office Address: 706 Giddings Ave #200, Annapolis, MD 21401
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