Tai Chi & Qigong w/Robin Betton
Tai Chi & Qigong w/Robin Betton

Tai Chi & Qigong w/Robin Betton

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Now offering classes and Lessons in the Boston/Cambridge areas. Designed Tai Chi Programs teaching for US Department of Veterans Affairs as Fulltime Instructor at VA Prescott Arizona and now currently Manchester VA Medical Center New Hampshire in the Whole Health and Pain/Rehabilitation divisions. I work with a large number of patients with a wide variety of medical conditions including PTSD, TBI, MST, Musculoskeletal disorders and offer Tai Chi and movement courses for VA Diabetes/weight management, Tai Chi for Fall Prevention and general classes for stress relief and pain/movement rehabilitation. I teach a Tai Chi 37 short form, body opening set/stretches push hands + Martial Applications. I also teach a excellent short qigong form "Dragon and Tiger Qigong" *Learn methods to know and release tensions in the mind/body. Chi Kung to heal the body. *skeletal/structural alignments and movement patterns for optimal health/power *Vital breathing/build the ball chi kung for life force awareness and growth. USA Boxing Certified Coaching *Stance/foundation, padwork/reflex/heavybag, roadwork and more! Gracie Garage (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) *Gracie Combatives and working on Rickson Gracie's Online Academy material

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1 employee

15 years in business

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This pro accepts payments via Cash, Credit card, Google Pay, PayPal, Samsung Pay, and Venmo.

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Robin Betton

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Tai Chi & Qigong w/Robin Betton
Tai Chi & Qigong w/Robin Betton
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Credential Details
Background Check

Robin Betton

Completed on 9/29/2022