Excellence Custom Painting Inc
Excellence Custom Painting Inc

Excellence Custom Painting Inc

$1/on-site estimate

(waived if hired)

Deck services needed

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Excellence Custom Painting Inc is a fully insured residential and commercial painting company. Our clients consistently commend our quality, responsiveness, and punctuality in their projects. We serve the Greater Boston area, encompassing cities such as Boston, Natick, Newton, Sudbury, Wayland, Westwood, Hopkinton, Shrewsbury, Dover, Weston, Brookline, Needham, Concord, Wellesley, Carlisle, Arlington, Bedford, Lexington, Lincoln, Belmont, Winchester, and Westwood. Specializing in a comprehensive range of painting services, we ensure excellence in every job we undertake. Whether it's exterior painting, cabinet refinishing, interior painting, deck refinishing, bathroom remodeling, kitchen remodeling, residential painting & commercial painting.

Serves Ashland, MA

Background checked

6 employees

7 years in business

Business hours

SunClosedMon6:00 am - 7:00 pm

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Cash, Check, Credit card, Stripe, Venmo, and Zelle.

Social media

Facebook, Instagram

Projects and media

27 photos

Projects and media

27 photos

Background Check

Caio Roberto