We are receiving a high number of messages. People need to understand on this app, every time you send that first message to a contractor like me, we pay a Lead Fee based on your square footage.
Lately we are getting overwhelmed with messages from customers that never reply nor answer the phone. We paid almost $15,000 to this app in 2024.
Hello, my name is Larry Long. I started doing tile in the union in 2004. After joining the trade, I learned from one of the best, Chet Smith. He taught me everything about the trade that i needed to go on my own. I always told him I would have my own company, and I would name it Long Smith Tile because without him and his teachings, my idea would not have been possible.
I opened my business in 2018.
We are a family owned and operated. It's just my wife Eve and I that take everything on. We take the calls, do the estimates, gather material, and install the tile along with all the grout.
We love doing tile work and helping people make their world more beautiful. We do all things tile. Showers, floors, walls, kitchen backsplash, and more.