Happy and Healthy is my moto!! Happiness is more than just having materialistic items; it's having a sense of purpose, living your best life because you're investing in yourself. Healthy is moving, eating, sleeping and recovering well. When all areas are in sync, that's when there's no stopping you!
As a personal trainer of 10+ years, I like my clients to think BIG! Thinking beyond the next week, 6 months or even a year, allows them to tap into that Infinite potential that lies inside of them.
I work side-by-side with my clients curating a lifestyle program that fits their current needs and ultimate goals. We focus on:
Movement- getting them moving well and feeling confident
Nutrition- eating a diet full of whole healthy foods
Recovery- managing stress and improving sleep so they can tackle whatever life throws at them
I meet my clients where they feel the most comfortable. For some, that's at home, others like virtual and a few like hanging with me at a local gym.