Stone Specialists restores natural stone, marble, limestone, slate, travertine, granite, terrazzo, onyx and others. We do natural stone cleaning, polishing, and sealing. Because I am an artist I can see what my clients are trying to achieve and make their vision happen. Also, I have exceptional technical skills.
For instance, sometimes a company for a big project will ask for a sample from each of the competing companies, a patch that shows our polishing skills. I realize looking at the competing samples that a lot of other restorers don’t realize the stone has a much higher shine point. This is one place where my appreciation for the materials, my sharp eye, and my skills give me the edge. Another thing that sets my work apart is my precision, I am able to restore the stone to what it was or better.
In contrast with other companies that do this kind of work, with us, for an affordable rate, you get only the best restorers — not a lot of apprentices. We deliver excellent restoring and polishing of natural stone. We cater to our clients multiple ways: we are flexible with people’s schedules, we give volume discounts, and our website is mobile ready, and convenient and easy to use. You can get a free estimate from either an in-home appointment, you can fill out our free estimator express online or on your phone. You can upload photos on the free estimator express and you will receive a free estimate within hours to the next day.
What I am most proud of is the fantastic job that I do for all my clients.
I love working with all kinds of stone. I plan to continue doing various stonework projects with all different types of clients. I would also like to continue to restore antique stone and sculpture. For example, I recently restored a late 1800’s beautifully sculpted marble bench. It came out great, it’s beautiful and now I am part of its history. That feels great. In addition, I sculpt stone in my spare time. Someday I would like to sell my pieces. In the meantime, I intend to use my artistic talent and deep appreciation of stone doing excellent work for Stone Specialists’ clients.