From themed birthday parties to corporate events to queer weddings to fundraisers, Levi's charming service, unique menus, and unbridled soul of a party animal will give you the mostest funnest cocktail experience for your guests.
🍹 Well-prepared. I come with custom, witty, on-theme drink menus, plus all the classics.
💅 Classy, but not snooty. I'll never snub my nose at what someone asks for. Maybe I'll simply ensure it's the best mundane thing they've had.
😍 Flirty and energetic. I will help set the tone of your party from behind the bar and ensure that everyone who steps up feels so attractive.
🧑🔬 A little razzle and a little dazzle. I make my own tinctures, bitters, syrups, and infusions to accompany my custom menus. Sometimes I set things on fire. Dinner and a show, except when I say dinner, I mean drinks.
🫡 Inclusive and mindful. My ingredients and concoctions are made with dietary considerations and safety in mind.
My sole aim is to create and maintain an environment where you and your guests feel the most comfortable and welcome. Let me take care of you.
BASSET and Food Safety certified with experience behind a restaurant bar, back of house, service, fast food, and performing arts. Throw me to the wolves. I'll bewitch them.