Dulce Rebeca Flores
Dulce Rebeca Flores

Dulce Rebeca Flores

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I’ve been cleaning homes and detailing vehicles for about 3 years now and have never left my customers dissatisfied. Nothing but my best efforts are put into my work and I promise I’ll make every job my best. Additionally, I will respect you and your home, as I would want nothing but the same respect from someone else in my own home. Throughout the service I will provide updates on each room or specific services. Thank you for your time and consideration! As for my pet caring experience, I have been a member of Wag for 4 years now. I know the ins and outs of caring for dogs and cats including, how to properly walk dogs, caring for cats without dog covered lenses, and much more. Nothing is more important than taking care of your furry family member, so I give nothing but my 100 percent!

Hired 9 times

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1 employee

5 years in business

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Apple Pay, Cash, Check, Venmo, and Zelle.

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Customers rated this pro highly for work quality, and professionalism.


1 review


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Emily J.
Aug 28, 2023
Dulce made me feel at ease with my house again. She cleaned it very well and was on time.
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Dulce Flores

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Dulce Rebeca Flores
Dulce Rebeca Flores
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Dulce Flores

Completed on 8/28/2023