Incense: A S.E.E.D. Program
Incense: A S.E.E.D. Program

Incense: A S.E.E.D. Program

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I love seeing people realize that their body is beautiful just as it is- and this is something I see a lot when a person learns to Bellydance. The movements look & feel so good on every body type that the experience of seeing yourself dance in this way is very gratifying and uplifting. That is why so many people gain increased confidence and discover a new appreciation for their body after learning to Bellydance. That is my favorite part about teaching this dance form- I feel like it really improves people's opinions about themselves and that makes me happy... plus it is just a lot of fun to dance with people who are enjoying themselves!
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  • How did you get started doing this type of work?

    When I was 17 I worked at a restaurant owned by a family of bellydancers. These amazing women intrigued me and invited me to join their "harem". They planted the seed of interest that would follow me from then on. I have traveled in Europe, the mainland, written research papers, articles, and created several paintings all about Bellydance. I have studied this dance art whenever it was available where ever I happened to be for the last 13 years (as of 2011) and I have been teaching professionally since 2009. I am very passionate about this dance- I truly love it and am endlessly fascinated by the music, history, culture, and evolution of this ancient artform. I really enjoy dancing & teaching others these fun and playful movements that celebrate every aspect of life.

  • What questions should customers think through before talking to professionals about their project?

    Bellydance is a social dance that can encompass ethnic tribal dances from several cultures, from India to Spain & the Americas. There are several different styles of Bellydance. If you want to learn a specific style of Bellydance, you should look for a teacher who teaches that style by name. Most often, the term Bellydance is referring to Oriental Dance: a solo improvised dance done by both men and women (and children, too). Typically it is danced for community celebrations like weddings or parties and most often the belly is covered... unless you are in America. American tribal Bellydance is a group improvised dance where dancers lead and follow one another in a seamless dance as a team. It is very much like a dance sport. Both are fun to do but they are quite different in appearance and practice. You may enjoy both of these genres of bellydance like I do, but if there is one in particular that you prefer- be sure you find a teacher who teaches the style you are looking for or you may be unsatisfied.