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By Evan Crowther
The last thing you want to encounter when opening the fridge is a horrible smell.
If you’ve already cleaned your fridge, you were probably expecting a fresh scent. However, unpleasant odors can linger around refrigerators for a variety of reasons.
Keep reading to see some of the common sources of foul odors. Plus, we'll also tell you how to get rid of smells in the fridge.
The most likely reason your fridge smells bad is spoiled food. As food goes bad, it begins to rot, attracting mold and bacteria.
To confirm that spoiled food is the source of the smell, do the following:
If you confirm that spoiled food is the reason behind the smell, it’s time for a deep clean to help remove lingering refrigerator odors. Follow these steps:
At the bottom of your fridge is a drip pan that collects drops of moisture that fall off of the condenser coils. Over time, the drip pan can accumulate food debris and other liquids. This can lead to a terrible refrigerator smell even if you clean the refrigerator interior thoroughly.
To clean the drip pan, use dish soap to create a soapy water solution. Scrub the pan with a sponge or washcloth soaked in the soapy water. Ensure the drip pan is dry before putting it back. This should leave your fridge smelling fresh.
Pro tip: You should also check for signs of mold near and around your fridge. For example, if you spilled a liquid or if your refrigerator has been leaking, you may see mold or mildew growth underneath or behind your fridge. This could be causing bad odors in your kitchen.
Even if you keep the fridge clean, the temperature may not be low enough to keep food fresh. The ideal fridge temperature should be under 40° F. Temperatures above this range may lead to food spoilage.
Most refrigerators have a control to adjust the temperature. Check your fridge’s manual for specific instructions on how to access and set it to the right temperature.
If you have the control set to an appropriate temperature, but it's still too warm, you may need to hire a pro to inspect it.
Related: Why is my fridge not cooling?
In some cases, the cause of the smell may not be the fridge at all but something else near the fridge. If you’ve cleaned and checked for spoiled food, look around the sides of the fridge as well as underneath it. Sometimes, food items can end up in crevices in the kitchen and start to decay and smell.
Move your refrigerator away from the wall to look for bits of food that rolled under it. Have someone help you move the refrigerator if necessary to avoid injuries. You may also want to protect the floor from scuffing and scratching before you move the fridge.
These maintenance tips will help you prevent smells from permeating your fridge before they start.
If your fridge has a stubborn odor even after cleaning it, it could be a sign of a serious issue. Mechanical issues and cooling problems typically require a repair technician's expertise.
With so many options, finding the right appliance repair service can be a challenge. The best way to find a refrigerator repair technician in your area is with Thumbtack. Download the Thumbtack app today to get free quotes for your refrigerator repairs.
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