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Over the past year, you've probably realized that your home needs a few tweaks. Maybe that small hole in your wall is now a big hole, the kitchen faucet keeps leaking or a couple of shingles disappeared from your roof. You meant to hire someone to fix these problems months ago, but it slipped your mind. And now your to-do list has grown.
Instead of stressing about everything you didn’t do this year, focus on what you can do in the new year. And if you get off track throughout the year — that's OK. Be realistic with your goals, and focus on prioritizing the essential home maintenance tasks on your list.
All of those tedious little jobs you’ve neglected can be taken care of by a professional handyman — fast. These pros have a range of skills that cover everything from simple plumbing jobs to fixing damaged trim. You’ve spent enough time in your home to start noticing these little things daily, so this year, resolve to start fixing them.
Find a local electrician, carpenter or handyman to do the job.
Related: How much does it cost to hire a handyman?
This year, health and cleanliness is top of everyone’s mind. You can’t control every environment you walk into, but you can make it as healthy and safe as possible.
To start the year out right, hire a professional cleaning company to deep clean your house. Having your home cleaned weekly or monthly can help you keep up that cleanliness throughout the year. And a carpet cleaning service can remove grime and dirt that you didn’t know was there. Start requesting free price quotes from local house cleaning services today.
Related: 8 house cleaning mistakes you're making.
Your garage, basement and attic are great spaces to store lesser-used items, but they also collect clutter like nobody’s business. We recommend removing junk at least once a year.
Separate what you want to keep from what you could sell, donate or discard. It’s the 21st century, which means you can even sell your stuff online. Many places offer pick-up services so you don’t need to get off the couch (unless it’s part of your junk pile).
When you’re ready for disposal, contact a local junk removal company to get rid of all your unwanted items quickly.
Related: How much do junk removal services charge?
Now that your home is sparkling clean, decluttered and in good working order, start organizing it. If you're spending so much time at home, a little organization can make a big difference.
You can hire a professional organizer to help you set up a system for you and your family to follow. This will help you keep your home in top shape all year year.
Related: How much does it cost to hire a professional organizer?
Now that we’re home more, we’re also hanging in the yard or on the porch. You’ve probably noticed a few places that need some TLC. Your garden may need a weeding and your flowerbed could use a few more plants. Your bushes and trees should be pruned, and your lawn needs regular mowing. Depending on your local climate, these tasks can be tackled throughout the year. If you live in a rainy or snowy climate, get any dead trees or limbs removed to prevent them from damaging your property.
Hiring a professional landscaper or lawn care professional for these tasks will help you safely get the job done right.
Related: How much do landscaping services cost?
Your stove, washing machine, dishwasher, refrigerator and dryer have had a busy year too. If your oven doesn’t seem to be getting hot enough or your refrigerator is making a strange noise, contact an appliance service professional to inspect it. Appliances wear out over time, so having them regularly checked and repaired in 2024 can prolong their lives.
Related: How much do appliance repairs cost?
Maintaining your home’s exterior helps you protect other areas of your home. Regularly cleaning your gutters to get rid of leaves, ice or blockages of any kind can prevent roof damage. So schedule an annual chimney and roof inspection to ensure there isn’t any soot, leaks, mildew or shingle damage. And if you have any visible leaks or holes on your roof, contact a roofing professional as soon as possible to do the repairs before it gets any worse.
Related: How much does a roof inspection cost?
We all want a fresh start in the new year, so why not give your house one too? You’ve spent months looking at those walls, and it’s time for a refresh.
Pick a new color for the dark, dingy or chipped room in your house, and hire an interior painter. Or, simply do some touch-ups yourself. Go even further and hire an interior designer or decorator to give your space a look you’ll love.
Related: 20 brilliant ways to brighten up your home.
Smart appliances or products can help make your life easier and more efficient. Hire a professional to install a smart thermostat so you can control your home’s heating and cooling from anywhere with the touch of a button. Or, consider installing a solar panel roof to save money on electricity.
Purchasing smart or energy-efficient appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers can also save you money long-term. There are even smart plugs that can keep you connected anywhere in the house.
Related: 20 easy ways to go green at home.
If you have a bucket under the kitchen sink or a towel wrapped around the toilet base, it’s time to call a plumber. Small leaks can lead to big issues if left untreated. Plumbing repair jobs are important to complete so you can avoid severe water damage. For example, a leak under a sink could lead to cabinet replacement or an entire floor renovation. Contact a professional plumber to do these repairs ASAP.
Related: How much do plumbers charge near you?
The key to saving money on home repairs is preventative maintenance. This means taking good care of your home now to avoid big, costly and time-consuming repairs in 2024. Make sure you do these things throughout the year:
Related: Are you making these home maintenance mistakes?
You may have a few home projects you wanted to do but didn’t find the time. Well, 2024 is your chance.
Finish off your basement. Build a deck for outdoor meals. Remodel your outdated kitchen. These may seem like big projects, but hiring a contractor can help you get through the process — and a beautiful finished product doesn’t hurt either.
Related: 20 home projects with the best ROI.
Before you take on any home project in 2024: do your research. Here are our suggestions:
Once you’ve decided which projects you want to start in 2024, start building your team of pros. You might need to hire a general contractor and/or an interior designer for larger home remodels. Or, maybe you just need an interior painter or a tile installer.
Either way, get a sense of what types of professionals you need to hire, and reach out to them for cost estimates so you plan and budget.
Related: Smart ways to save on your home remodeling projects.
This new year may be one of the most anticipated in a long time. Everyone is looking for a clean slate and wants 2024 to be the best it can be. If you use this list of New Year’s resolutions, you can make your time at home more enjoyable and comfortable for your family.
Start making your resolutions now, and use Thumbtack to find home maintenance and repair professionals who can help you stick to those promises.
Tell us what you’re looking for and we’ll show you pros right for the job, with prices.