Inspired 2 Design
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Inspired 2 Design is a full-service advertising agency offering professional website design, website maintenance, graphic design, internet marketing, and printing. We literally "get out the word" about your business, and turn prospects into customers.
Inspired 2 Design evaluates your current marketing, identifies the promotions that reach your target market, and determines the solutions that meet your goals and budget. We design, print, and publish just about everything, so you benefit from brand consistency and the convenience of having one knowledgeable point-of-contact.
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3 reviews
Cristina S.
Feb 10, 2011
I can not think of enough words to express my gratitude to Linda and John from Inspired 2 Design, a very professional, understanding and dedicated company. I had a tight schedule for my website to be develop and Linda and John delivered with flying colors. This was, in spite of my lack of understanding of website development process. They had to educate me, and hold my hand as they were trying to complete the work to meet my schedule. Linda and John don't go just the extra mile they are more than willing go the extra "2 miles". Inspired 2 Design is part of my marketing team and I am so lucky to have meet them.
Jack T.
Feb 10, 2011
Since I first came in contact with Linda Lullie, I have been impressed with her professionalism and attention to detail. Having shared clients as well, they all speak highly of the services she offers too. I would highly recommend her and would consider her an asset to any business; large or small.
Betty A.
Feb 11, 2011
Inspried 2 Design is the best "business partner" anyone could ask for. Linda and John's expertise, knowledge and client service is excellent. Going with Inspired 2 Design when I opened my business, was the best decsion I ever made.