Energy Healing and Spiritual Counseling near me
Energy Healing and Spiritual Counseling near me

Energy Healing and Spiritual Counseling near me

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If you hire this pro, you’re covered by a money-back guarantee. Learn more

We specialize in multidimensional energy medicine. We harness the power of quantum techniques with a unique approach in our private sessions, offering spiritual guidance/counseling and Divine Reconnection. No need to travel. Walk into the LIGHT and listen to the SOUND with us. Recover health expand your horizons, and achieve your goals. My name is Minister VIE (V) Master Conveyor of transformative vibrational frequency for healing and I give remote National and worldwide Frequency healing sessions. To completely re-balance the body, take away the physical pain, heal traumas, the stress, the anxiety, and fears. "Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla said the future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies." We are a state-of-the-art center of bio-resonance medicine and spiritual counseling. A bridge between Science and Spirituality, offering advanced alternative solutions with vibrational healing frequency as medicine, and we invite our clients to read our blog for a lot more information and some testimonies. Also check VIE's books for your empowerment, growth, and self-transformation.

Serves Orlando, FL

Background checked

1 employee

13 years in business

Business hours

SunClosedMon10:00 am - 7:00 pm

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Credit card, PayPal, and Zelle.

Social media

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Projects and media

4 photos

Projects and media

4 photos

Background Check

Vie Bio-Institute Of Light And Sound