Art Color Painting Inc
Art Color Painting Inc

Art Color Painting Inc

$45/on-site estimate

(waived if hired)


Responds within a day

For more of twenty years, Richard Barrenechea has been turning dreams into masterpieces in the form of unique, creative paintings and murals. As the painter of Mount Dora's Van Gogh house (famous landmark that is making it to a documentary and possible movie), he's brought visitors from all over closer to the legendary work than ever before. Now he's bringing that same sense of wonder to your custom work. Spanning different mediums, Richard takes your space into consideration when crafting an innovative piece. No matter what your vision is, he's committed to bringing it to life with beauty.He's capable to paint anything on any surface making your dream vision into a reality.

Hired 2 times

Serves Mount Dora, FL

Background checked

1 employee

12 years in business

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Background Check

Richard Barrenechea