Brenda Booth is the owner and curator of Propel Life Fitness LLC in South Florida. Brenda owned a similar company called Body One Wellness, LLC in Minneapolis for 8 years where she trained and coached many clients and offered worksite wellness programs for Fortune 50 companies in the area. She is now training clients and teaching group fitness classes out of Boca Raton Fitness Center in Boca Raton Florida. Brenda is certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine and trained by Wellcoaches in behavior change modification.
Brenda has been in fitness most of her life and at age 52 believes weight training has helped her slow the aging process and remain active. She has competed in figure and fitness competitions, triathlons and competitive swimming. She gets great satisfaction from doing what she loves most; helping others make lifestyle changes that will positively impact their health for life.
In addition to fitness, Brenda has coached patients with diabetes at one of the largest health systems in Minnesota and has also worked to create mental health clinical programs for another large heathcare system. Helping people make behavior change and learning how to stay motivated is in her DNA and she can’t wait to help you!