- What should the customer know about your pricing (e.g., discounts, fees)?
Ongoing Financial Planning *where most clients find the greatest value* - a fee based service in which you hire our team as fiduciary financial planners to assist with holistic planning. In this type of relationship, we analyze your whole financial situation. We provide advice, guidance, recommendations and build a custom financial plan. As your planning team, we’re at your full disposal to provide research for you to make informed decision in all aspects of your financial life. The planning relationship is initially for a 1 year agreement of financial planning services. Financial planning fees start at $3,000 Investment Services - We are able to assist with investment account creation or management. Services include investment accounts, retirement accounts, 401k/IRA rollovers, annuities etc, in either a brokerage account or managed account platform. For brokerage accounts, that encompasses a "buy & hold" strategy, I am compensated through brokerage fees. For managed accounts, that encompasses ongoing maintenance, rebalancing & review. I am compensated through a % of assets under management (AUM). Insurance Services - I am able help implement protection planning for yourself and your family. Typically, the main pieces we focus on are life Insurance & disability Insurance. I am compensated through commissions on insurance products that are recommended to fit your needs.
- What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
Our typical process is pretty simple! - We start with an initial meeting to most importantly get to know each other. This allows us to chat and identify if we would be effective working together. You have the floor to ask me any questions, as well as speak what's on your mind & what you'd like to accomplish! I also use this time to understand a glimpse into your situation, as well as provide you with a background on myself. The initial meeting should not be centered around products and solutions. - The next step (once we like each other) is figuring out the best way to work together. This is important to understand as it defines what type of relationship you expect to have moving forward. -The remaining steps after this are all dependent on the first two. Some individuals know what they want and take action quicker. For others it takes more time to peel back the layers and get to recommendations at a later date.
- What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I am an Investment Advisor Representative and I am series 7, 6, 63, 65 & SIE licensed for investment planning. I am 2-15 licensed for insurance planning