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My design aesthetic is clean, orderly, and beautiful. Design trends change by the minute, and you don't want to have to pay for a new website every year just to stay on trend. My sites have a lasting appeal that means you don't have to redesign until YOU'RE ready. No project is exactly alike. I love the beginning of a new project when I have a blank, or almost blank canvas. Even though my canvas is Photoshop and my computer monitor, I get the same thrill when I create a new website design as when I start a new painting or drawing!
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  • How did you get started doing this type of work?

    My degree is in Illustration for the Rhode Island School of Design. Illustration jobs are hard to come by, but I was determined to have a career in the design and creative industry. So I combined my background in art and design with my knowledge of coding so I could make a living doing something I love and was meant to do.

  • What questions should customers think through before talking to professionals about their project?

    It takes an enormous amount of patience. Web design has it own language, so sometimes describing functionality to a client is challenging. It also requires the need to be constantly researching the newest movements in the industry, and staying abreast of the latest and greatest in the design and coding/programming world requires many hours each week.