Hatton Designs
Hatton Designs

Hatton Designs

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Take your marketing manager, and turn them into a designer. Turn them into a magnificent designer, one with conceptually striking ideas and brilliantly meticulous execution. Then have this new wonder person design all: business cards, your logo, your website, and even your fun, new, and little cartoon man to demo your products. And now, your projects are grabbing and inspiring. Your customers are so captivated and excited they are throwing money your way. Bliss. Ridiculously intense, involuntary bliss. That's what you get with Hatton Designs; artistically innovative design with a direct integration of your unique marketing strategies. Our discovery process and daily progress reports will let you easily relay your idiosyncrasies and monitor their conveyance. Take advantage of our 20 years of combined sales experience to create or enhance your brand, execute your projects, and boost your sales in a new, fresh, and effective way that no one other than Hatton Designs can provide.
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  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    If you have a graphic or web design project, my best advice to make it great would be to write out a thorough plan for it. Ask yourself, (1) what do I want to gain from this project and write out quantifiable actionable goals, (2) who or what kind of person do I want to take action from my project and write out the characteristics of those persons, and (3) what type of emotional qualities appeal to these people and represent my company and write out all of the feelings and characteristics you'd like your project to evoke (for example, elegance, sophistication, intelligence, modern, edgy, fun, friendly, warm, inviting, engaging, stimulating, etc.). Know exactly what you want before you get started, and be able to share the emotional aspect with your designer or developer. From there, even if you don't know how to achieve the look you want, a good designer should be able to easily translate your goals and visual aesthetic with the answers to those questions.