Sandi Mascola
Sandi Mascola

Sandi Mascola

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Here is why You should hire Me!! I have been teaching Guitar for over 20 yrs in East Haven, Ct and I wouldn't change a thing!! I absolutely positively LOVE it!! But I will say this, alot of music teachers don't teach you how to be creative...why a chord is a chord and how to add notes to it...why a scale is a scale and how does that pertain to songwriting...How to literally jam over any progression. I will explain all the many paths of learning how to play the guitar, and you will pick the path that is right for you!! Playing is so much fun and learning it should be to!!! So what are you waiting for... I have The best job in the world!! Wouldn't you agree!!

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30 years in business

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Sun8:00 am - 12:00 pmMon8:00 am - 10:00 pm

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Customers rated this pro highly for work quality, professionalism, and responsiveness.

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Kristine R.
Sep 19, 2024

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Sandi is both an incredible musician and incredible person. As a guitar newbie, I was expecting to spend most of my first year to be spent slogging through lessons before I could finally know enough to really have fun with an instrument. Well, I’ve only been working with Sandi two months and to say I’ve had fun is an understatement. Her energy is infectious and I genuinely look forward to seeing her each week. Her lessons have the right amount of structure to measure your progress, but she tailors her instruction to meet you where you are that day. She also gives you skills to work on that build up your abilities beyond memorization, which is how I was trying to teach myself before seeking her out. Now, if my fingers are hurting from trying to practice new chords, I can move on to the picking exercises. If the picking exercises get boring, I can move on to tapping to better my rhythm - the list goes on. She truly loves music and does an amazing job sharing that love. Since working with her, I’m already experiencing music in a different way and I’m so excited to learn more. I remember reading her reviews before signing up and feeling hopeful. Now, I’m another review trying to capture just how much these lessons have affected me. If you’re looking for a guitar teacher and don’t know where to start, I promise you’ve found what you’re looking for with Sandi.

Details: 26 - 44 years old • No formal training; some self-taught experience • No, cannot read music • Acoustic • Rock • Folk • Yes, the student has an instrument • 45 minutes • At the pro’s location • My home, venue, etc.

Guitar Lessons
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Scott M.
Jun 4, 2024

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Sandi has been an excellent teacher so far. She makes everything easy to understand and provides effective exercises and feedback. I've made more progress in five half-hour sessions than I did in several years learning on my own, and would recommend her to anyone trying to learn or get better at guitar.

Details: 26 - 44 years old • 0 - 2 yrs of formal training • Yes, can read guitar tabs • Acoustic • Blues • Country • Folk • Rock • Yes, the student has an instrument • 60 minutes • At the pro’s location

Guitar Lessons
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Leah P.
Sep 26, 2023

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Hired on Thumbtack

I told Sandi I would say she’s mind-blowing in a good way. Inspirational, patient, understanding. Just a great teacher for me so far! I played guitar for awhile but Sandi is making me a better guitarist. The best. Highly recommended!

Details: 65 years or older • 4+ yrs of formal training • No, cannot read music • Acoustic • Country • Folk • Blues • Yes, the student has an instrument • 30 minutes • At the pro’s location

Guitar Lessons
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Alexis S.
Aug 25, 2020

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Sandi is a brilliant guitar instructor. She is extremely well-versed in music theory and breaks it down into comprehensible building blocks. This allows you to understand the “why” elements behind the theory and quickly make sense of the whole system. Once you begin to grasp all the constituent parts, music transforms into a game that’s exciting and open-ended. Sandi goes beyond explaining and demonstrating techniques and inspires true creativity. After just a month and a half of lessons, I’m past the whole “ah my wrist aches” and “this sounds like a dying cat” and am actually making music. I almost cannot believe Sandi is charging $40/hour for the value of instruction I’m receiving. It’s clear that for her, it’s not about the money, but about the love of teaching. I am grateful to myself for investing in my learning & seeing Sandi’s bright smile every week only drives that gratitude further!

Details: 18 - 25 years old • No formal training; some self-taught experience • Yes, can read music staff • Acoustic • Jazz • Rock • Blues • Folk • Yes, the student has an instrument • 60 minutes • At the pro’s location

Guitar Lessons
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Gunjan T.
Mar 7, 2020

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Sandi has been amazing and kind and super positive! She s been so patient and makes learning guitar so much fun! My nephew and his parents have loved the experience thus far andy nephew will definitely continue lessons with her !!

Details: 6 - 9 years old • No formal training • No, cannot read music • What the teacher recommends • What the teacher recommends • No, but the student is planning to purchase an instrument • 45 minutes • At the pro’s location • My home, venue, etc.

Guitar Lessons
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Sandi Mascola

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Sandi Mascola

Completed on 7/22/2020