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Causing Possibilities, Inc.
Causing Possibilities, Inc.

Causing Possibilities, Inc.

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I support people in choosing goals and attaining their goals while bringing more happiness, freedom and power into their lives. Check free goal quiz on my website. Areas included work, family, relationships, overwhelm, "stuckness", etc. Let's eliminate your self defeating beliefs, removing barriers to getting what you want. Unleash the power you may think you don't have. All coaching is done by phone throughout the U.S. We offer free initial consult with no obligation. Let's find out if coaching can help you to help yourself to make a difference in your life. Check my testimonials on the website to see what's possible. I am a professional coach since 2002.
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  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    I support people in who they need to be in order to bring more Happiness, Freedom and Power into their lives. Areas I work in: Personal life, relationships, family, carrer/work Most accomplished goal: Freedom from barriers that my clients discovered they put in place and they removed.

  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    If you feel "stuck" in a situation, work, family, relationships, etc and you do not see a way to change or if you know what to do and aren't doing it, a coach can help show you a possible "blindspot" whichj will be very powerful in getting you into the next appropriate action. That;s why athletes have coaches who can see what they are doing physically...