Coach Quigg, Self-Leadership Coach
Coach Quigg, Self-Leadership Coach

Coach Quigg, Self-Leadership Coach

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Introduction: Hello my friend! Thanks for your curiosity in what I offer and in your own growth and healing. *Scroll down for more on motivational speaking/workshops **I'm new to Thumbtack. You can find more testimonials + info on my website and Instagram, as well as all sorts of free content, podcasts, and guided meditations to try on for size! I'm a Self-Leadership Coach and Mindfulness Teacher here to serve purpose-driven Young Professionals who want to make a difference in the world by committing to their own evolution. Self-Leadership, in my eyes, is the toolset, mindset and ability to lead from within: to primarily source our motivation, choices and propensity to take action intrinsically, rather than coasting through life being yanked around by competing external influences. I'm a certified life coach and finishing a two-year certification program as a mindfulness teacher, accredited by The Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley. I worked in health and wellness Summer camps for most of my career prior to launching my coaching business and have mentored + coached upwards of 1000 young adults (and adults of all ages) over the years. Client age is not important to me, but attitude absolutely is. As a coach, I guide my clients in developing a deeply loving and empowered relationship with oneself - mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Its through the development of your inner resources: a growth mindset, self-compassion, gratitude, purpose, courage, and integrity, that you'll be able to accomplish anything and everything that you set your heart and mind to. While people step into coaching or therapy because of a goal that they want to accomplish, or because of some symptom they are tired of living with, key to any accomplishment or healing is self-responsibility and self-relationship. Whatever outcome or feeling you want to create in your life, or whatever pain you are ready to ditch, I'll guide you there in a way that reinforces your own personal power. As your coach, my mission is to love + support you unconditionally, challenge and guide you powerfully, reflect back your greatness, show you the tools to make the most of your life, and above all else teach you how to fish for yourself, and to do so in service of others. We'll work together interdependently, not co-dependently. Key to my coaching container is a commitment to integrate mindfulness practices into your life. Meditation as a tool is the single most effective resource we have and need in order to live happy, healthy and whole lives. Because awareness is power. And now more than ever, in an environment constantly competing to steal your attention, we need to regain autonomy over our own. The techniques I'll teach you will ensure this. (Know that mindfulness is not one-size-fits-all but rather a swathe of tools and practices that will support each individual in ways unique to their wants and needs. Trust that I will meet you where you are at and help you find the right practices that'll work for you). And its from this baseline of empowered choice, namely that we can make decisions and take action with clarity and integrity, that you'll be able to truly steer the ship of your life, unshaken by the many external forces and conditioned limiting beliefs that otherwise sway us from living our best lives. In addition to mindfulness practice, other tools I commonly use include: -Values + Strengths Assessment -Wheel of Life Exercise + SMART Goals -Self-Love Practices -Compassion + Gratitude Practices -Social Media Detox -Breathing Exercises -Journaling -Extracurricular Learning Through Books + Podcasts -My 5-Step Limiting Belief Shift Process -Somatic Processing Practices Some perks you'll get from working 1:1 with me: -Custom guided meditations (recorded in-session for you to use at home) -Clearly defined, self-chosen action steps for "homework" -Access to my curated Spotify "Core Cultivations" playlists to help you connect with the energies of and develop a Growth Mindset, Gratitude, Self-Compassion, Authenticity, & Purpose -Free access to my upcoming online Intro to Mindfulness + Meditation course this Summer (and/or to the recordings) -A coach who is a real human and friend (with professional boundaries), rather than an unrelatable, closed book Please know that coaching is one-hundred-percent a self-owned process. I like to say that 99% of the work happens in between sessions, where its your job to put to use the practices, insights, and the clearly-defined action steps we've cooked up together in our coaching session. If you approach our work together with this attitude, I guarantee you'll emerge more confident, more clear, more capable, more compassionate and more courageous that ever before. ANYTHING you want to accomplish, heal or feel in your life will be possible. And it would be an honor and a joy to help guide you there. Book a complimentary Curiosity Call with me (which I treat as an actual coaching call, rather than a quick sales call) and lets radically transform your life for the better. With Love&Gratitude, Coach Quiggy ---- Motivational Speaking and Self-Leadership Development Workshops I offer experiential workshops and/or talks to organizations that want to breath more integrity, self-responsibility, compassion, collaboration and mindfulness into their operations. My programs are experiential in that they include practical exercises, guided meditations, team-building and group facilitation that will offer lived experience as well as clear take-home practices. Some of the programs I currently offer include: Leading from Within: The 8 C's of Self-Leadership The 4 C’s of Unshakeable Self-Confidence Why Self-Compassion is the Secret Sauce for a Successful Life Introduction to Meditation MediPLAYtion (mindfulness and improv games) Some of the organizations I serve: -Startups -Fraternities and Sororities -Schools -Sports Teams -Service Organizations I also speak on topics, through the lense of mindfulness and personal empowerment, including social media and technology use, addiction, managing our attention in an attention-competitive world, and navigating truth in an increasingly complicated information environment. *I'm always happy to collaborate and design an offering based on your wants/needs, so please reach out and start a conversation if you are interested in hiring me. You can find more about my current offerings on my website.

Serves Littleton, CO

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3 years in business

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3 reviews


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Rob H.
3 weeks ago
Prior to working with Coach Quigg, I felt insecure, uncomfortable in my own skin, restricted on the dance floor and unable to be vulnerable.. I was unhappy with how I showed up and pledged that I’d spend the next year leaning into this discomfort to force growth. That’s where Coach Quigg came in. We spent a little over 6-months life coaching together where he taught me the skills and how to unlock the power of the mind to progress towards a life worth living. Earlier this year, I faced a sort of test to see what progress I had made. During the second Coach-Quigg-led retreat that I’ve attended...I absolutely loved who I was - playful, vulnerable, authentic, curious, creative, funny, intentional, grounded and balanced. I created connections, I felt confident, I felt comfortable in my own skin. And I was able to do it with very little talk about work, which has been my historical crutch. There’s still so much to explore and there’s so much more growing and creating to do but this year - and Coach Quigg - will forever have a place in my heart because of how much it helped me unshackle myself and forge a new mindset that I just couldn’t quite do on my own.
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Tom L.
3 weeks ago
I am 27 years old and have suffered from periods of depression and anxiety for many years, and have been seen a whole lot of psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and counsellors on the way, with generally little success in terms of building a lasting rapport… …Working with Quiggy has been one of the best investments in myself that I’ve ever made, and has had such a profoundly positive effect on my well-being and self-perception, through helping to generate this wonderful feeling of connectedness with myself and with those around me. Quiggy is one of the first professionals I’ve encountered working in the care industry who I’ve felt a deeply valuable connection with, and who has communicated palpable compassion to me. I find myself looking forward to sessions and feeling incredibly motivated and inspired by them. It is difficult to describe them in detail because they themselves are incredibly open and led by whatever seems to come up that week, but they are always founded on and driven by a desire to act and manifest yourself in your life rather than merely talk about it, which I have found so beneficial. They are also founded on and driven by intentional and open communication, self-empowerment, mutual respect, but most importantly, love. Love for oneself, love for the world and the people around us, and love for this extraordinary existence which we get to be part of. It’s the first time in a long while when I’ve felt genuinely grounded in myself and truly excited about the future and inspired by its infinite possibilities, and I know our sessions together have played a crucial role in that. I have a lot of love for Quiggy and deep gratitude for crossing paths with him. With all the good work we’ve already done together, it excites me more than anything to think that this is just the beginning.
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Laura G.
3 weeks ago
Quiggy is an incredible guide to lead you back to your highest truth. He has a patient and compassionate way of seeking to understand while also construing alternate perspectives to explore. I decided it was best for me to sign up for the additional guided meditations before our sessions and I am very thankful I did. This is the beginning of the magic he creates in other’s consciousness. His calm voice and insightful knowledge provides the perfect meditation to ground into your own body and to then speak from your highest self. This practice provided clarity within myself of what to focus on in our session together, truly creating the most potency in our short time together. Each session I left feeling optimistic, confident, and more clear on the next actions steps to take. He always reminds you of your own power and capability, the greatest gift, as that can never be taken away from others. Thank you Quiggy, for having an expansive part of my journey of consciousness, for seeing me and my light, and reflecting back the magic within each human you encounter…
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Jonathan Quigg