Metro Home and Business Partners
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Sorry this pro can’t do your job, but we know other pros who can.
When you work with us, you are doing a few things for yourself and others. We pride ourselves on quality work and are looking to gain long-term clients. Our service is given to reflect that desire. You get a more comprehensive assessment of needs than HUST the job you need done right now as we want to ensure that your property is healthy, serves your best purpose and will last before more money is needed to repair something broken. Finally, our employees are being hand picked to give them an entry level position so we can train them in the finer art of customer service, skilled trades, and sales to help them build careers in Real Estate, Renewable Energy, and/or Transportation and Logistics. Therefore you are helping build opportunity for people and economics in community! We look forward to hearing from and serving you!
5 employees
6 years in business
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