-Whether you're searching for a soft glow for a beautiful bride, elegance for a special occasion, or need to transform a model during a photo shoot, I can provide the picture perfect look.
-My trained eye sees the unique beauty and potential in each face and adjust for the different factors effecting your appearance.
-Hiring a makeup artist doesn't mean you won't look like you, it means you'll look like a more polished you!
-I have so much experience being in front of the camera as well as behind, I can easily assist a photographer or a producer in selecting the right look if needed, also working for MAC Cosmetics for 2 years gave me the experience to apply makeup on everyone not just models...
-Im located at The Ivy Day Spa in Valencia, CA.
Please don't hesitate to contact me so we can talk about your needs and how we can make your occasion amazing!.
Thank you,