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We believe that if every student had a tutor, they would do better in school, college wouldn't be so tough, and that learning might be a little more fun! Tutoring is not just for those who need to move from an A to an A+, or for those who are failing. Tutoring certainly helps those who fall into either of the former cases, but personalized academic help is also for those who want to raise their grade from a C to a B, or want to perform better on tests, or want to learn better study and organizational skills. In short, we believe that everyone can benefit from having a tutor. Our work with students centers on the question: what have you ever wanted to learn? It is our goal to help students answer this essential question by helping them learn what they want, how they want. Tutorpedia’s philosophy, what we call The Tao of Tutorpedia, rests on three pillars: Collaborative Relationships, Innovative Expertise, and Holistic Vision. For more on the Tao of Tutorpedia, please visit our website. One on one learning is the most effective way to increase student achievement. We are motivated both by the individual gains each of our students make, and by the knowledge that we can use tutoring to fill in the gaps left in this country's education system. Personalizing education is an investment that represents one of the best ways to fix our education system as a whole, one student at a time.
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  • What types of customers have you worked with?

    We do one-on-one tutoring for students all over the Bay Area. Tutors come to students' homes and work with them on academic subjects or test prep. Our cohort of accomplished tutors can work with any age, any ability level, and any subject.

  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Be sure that you are comfortable with the tutor on a personal level as well as an academic level. The biggest predictor of success in a tutoring situation is if the tutor and student have a good working relationship. We have over 60 tutors on staff, and you can browse their profiles on our website. We can help match you with a tutor, but if you find that it isn't the right fit, just let us know and we'll find someone else that hopefully is a better fit.