- What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
I will start with a text via Thumbtack, then i will follow up with a call. I will ask about your project and go ahead from there, we will work together for a perfect outcome.
Hired 48 times
Background checked
3 employees
21 years in business
This pro accepts payments via Cash, Check, PayPal, Venmo, and Zelle.
Top Pros are among the highest-rated, most popular professionals on Thumbtack.
72 photos
Fooseball table
Furniture Assembly
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Customers rated this pro highly for professionalism, work quality, and responsiveness.
35 reviews
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Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Details: Yes, the location has an existing light fixture • Ceiling • Less than or equal to 8 feet high
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Details: TV • Wall mount • Soundbar • Yes, I need to conceal wires or cables • Drywall • Yes, I already own all the equipment • Residential
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Details: Yes, the location has an existing fan • Bath exhaust • Less than or equal to 8 feet high
Hired on Thumbtack
Hired on Thumbtack
Details: 1 item • Bed frame • No additional services needed
Carlos Polanco
I will start with a text via Thumbtack, then i will follow up with a call. I will ask about your project and go ahead from there, we will work together for a perfect outcome.