I Do's by Becca       b-burgess[dot]com
I Do's by Becca       b-burgess[dot]com

I Do's by Becca b-burgess[dot]com

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Because not all couples wish to get married in a church. Your wedding can be as individual as you both are! I can perform a unique and special ceremony in most locations. From your backyard or favorite park or large formal settings. The world is your oyster! I can tailor your ceremony to suit your beliefs and customs. Religious or spiritual, traditional or non-denominational. You can write your own vows or I can help you write them and offer some suggestions. I also perform marriage renewal ceremonies for those of you wishing to renew your vows. I love working with couple getting ready to take that plunge! I love "Love"!

1 employee

11 years in business

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  • How did you get started doing this type of work?

    I love "love"! People are so happy when they get married!

  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Meet more than 1 professional in person. Talk to them about your wants and needs. This is your day.