Sway with Mark Ballroom Entertainment
Sway with Mark Ballroom Entertainment

Sway with Mark Ballroom Entertainment

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I take the time to really focus on connection and fun -- the true heart and soul of dancing. Perfecting technique is for competitive dancers. Dancing is a social art. How can I be the best "me" on the dance floor and connect with the best "you"? Turning complete beginners into people who love to dance.

Hired 34 times

Serves Los Angeles, CA

Background checked

2 employees

14 years in business

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This pro hasn't listed their business hours.

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Cash, Check, Credit card, PayPal, and Square cash app.

Top Pro status

Top Pros are among the highest-rated, most popular professionals on Thumbtack.

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Projects and media

11 photos

Projects and media

11 photos


Customers rated this pro highly for work quality, professionalism, and responsiveness.

Exceptional 5.0

15 reviews


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Nicole t.
Jun 26, 2023

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

We had a big party for my daughters 18th birthday. We had a bridgerton themed party so needed classical music and a dance to go with it. He asked if the kids had experience dancing and I said some had little and some had more. It was great choreography and he was VERY patient with the kids. Everyone loved the dance and the kids loved it too

Details: My group of 5-10 people • Wedding party dance • No, I do not have choreography in mind • Beginner • My home, venue, etc. • At the pro’s location

Wedding Dance Lessons
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Jessica S.
May 3, 2015

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Comes to your home, teaches you not just how to dance but how to balance and connect (in a non-hippie way). Breaks down your music line by line and charts it to create the perfect dance. We're so excited to be working with him!
Dance Lessons
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Hayden p.
Jun 9, 2016

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Mark is an expert at the subject was very knowledgeable on Dancing and I would highly recommend him for anybody considering getting lessons
Wedding Dance Lessons
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Jen H.
Aug 6, 2016

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Mark was an amazing teacher with great energy! I hired Mark for a Salsa lesson for my birthday party. Mark was amazing, being able to teach the people in my small group who some never danced Salsa, some have danced casually in their own Latin country, and some who have taken basic lessons before. He was able to help the beginners while still being able to challenge the ones who were more familiar. Mark's energy, patience, and professionalism is what made my party. I would recommend him to anyone and everyone.
Private Salsa Dance Lessons (for me or my group)
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Monique V.
Oct 1, 2014

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Mark is very motivating and has a tremendous amount of patience. He's experience shows how well trained he is and is doing a great job coordinating my routine for my wedding. I'm excited and looking forward to showing off to my new husband my new steps. Thank you Mark!
Dance Lessons
Background Check

Mark Estrella

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Sway with Mark Ballroom Entertainment
Sway with Mark Ballroom Entertainment
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Credential Details
Background Check

Mark Estrella

Completed on 5/6/2021