Touch Therapy and Dance
Touch Therapy and Dance

Touch Therapy and Dance

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Touch therapy belongs to the broad category of energy healing, which includes things acupuncture, tai chi, and reiki. These approaches all operate on the premise that the body has a natural energy field that ties into the mind-body connection and plays a part in wellness. According to energy healing theory, you’ll typically enjoy good health when energy flows easily throughout the body. Any imbalances or disruptions in the energy flow, however, can contribute to illness, pain, mental health symptoms, and other distress. Bottom line is, sometimes you just NEED someone to HOLD you, LOOK you in the EYES PASSIONATELY, hold HANDS with you, and HUG you, all WITHOUT THE EXPECTATION OF SEX! That last part is very important to understand. This kind of emotional care is rare and hard to come by in most relationships. Indeed, there are people in long term relationships right now who have not experienced this. With that said, my only goal is to touch you WHERE you want me to touch you, WHEN you want me to touch you, and HOW you want me to touch you. YOU CONTROL THE ENTIRE EXPERIENCE! This experience deals with the interplay of masculine and feminine energies, thus I only accept female clients. As my client, your comfort is imperative to me, and so is mine. Moreover, all applicants will have to be vetted for my safety.

Serves Long Beach, CA

Background checked

1 employee

2 years in business

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Background Check

Eric Ukabi