- What should the customer know about your pricing (e.g., discounts, fees)?
I charge by the month. Visit "pricing and details" at my website. Fees are $35/30 minutes, $50/45 minutes, $70/60 minutes.
- How did you get started doing this type of work?
Most... actually, "all" professional musicians will say that they didn't choose playing music, music chose them. As far as teaching, you could say that I just wanted to do for others what my teachers did for me. I look back at my teachers with with warmth and fondness.
- What types of customers have you worked with?
I work with every type of person, aged 4 to 82, students, professionals, doctors, lawyers, moms, dads, plain-old people... every type. The interesting thing is, that no matter what you do or how well you do what you do, everyone starts from step one when learning music. The way of thinking is completely different. Whatever thinking strategies you've used to get where you are, they rarely work when learning an instrument. The reason is that music uses a completely different area of the mind than most other professions. Aspects of it are rational, but one needs to train one's self to access a new part of the mind. It's a simple process, but we often can't see how simple it is.