**"The Craft of Comfort"**
Beneath the hum of summer’s blaze,
or winter’s bite in frosted days,
I trace the pulse of every wire,
the breath of vents, the coil’s fire.
My hands, precise, read gauges’ tales—
a language learned where systems fail.
I am the whisper in the duct,
the mender where the circuits stuck,
the solver of the cryptic codes,
the warmth that lightens weary roads.
But now, beyond the wrench and flame,
I carve my path, I stake my name.
A fledgling venture, bold and lean—
a truck, some tools, a dream unseen.
The first call rings; my heart takes wing.
A widow’s furnace won’t sing.
I kneel beside its rusted core,
revive the heat her winters bore.
Her gratitude—my anthem now—
the spark that fuels my “why” and “how.”
I’ll climb the attics, brave the crawl,
answer the urgent midnight call.
For every home that holds a chill,
I’ll bend the laws of thermal will.
No job too small, no hour too late,
I’ll earn my title, *innovate*.
Not just a fix, but futures built—
with every bolt, with every tilt.
The world may scoff, “Just vents and air,”
but I know better—*I repair*
the quiet trust in walls unseen,
the calm that lets a family dream.
So let the skeptics doubt the craft;
my sweat, my grit, my shadows cast
will forge a legacy of grace—
the steady hand in every space.
For I’m not just a name, a brand—
I’m comfort’s keeper, heart in hand.
The best? They’ll say it, loud and true:
“When systems break, *we call on you*.”