Please note: VIOLIN, CELLO, and PIANO lessons are offered IN-PERSON only in CUPERTINO, CA or online on Zoom/Skype. Please take a look at the information listed below, thanks! Also, please make sure to check your Thumbtack messages for a response from us!
Hello new friends and musicians!
Thanks so much for visiting our studio page, we are so excited to start
our musical journey together!
Discounted first trial class: $45 for 30 min.
About Hannah:
I am a performing artist, soloist, teacher, nationally-represented Astral Artist winner, and entrepreneur.
Royal College of Music - Bachelor's Degree
Juilliard School - Master's Degree
Yale School of Music - Master of Musical Arts Degree
Our studio, Notes By The Bay, offers private VIOLIN, PIANO, and CELLO lessons, competition recording preparation, orchestra audition preparation, and group ensemble sessions. We also run a music festival for kids during the summer!
Our teachers:
Hannah Tarley, violin
Danielle Tarley, violin
Inna Gendler, piano
Armen Sarkisian, piano
Ashley Chen, piano
Douglas Machiz, cello
We strongly believe that music has the magical capabilities of elevating the spirits of both the listener and the performer, and am always fascinated to see how it helps us develop as humans.
In addition to helping students develop their left and right hand technique, musicality, rhythm, and musical knowledge, together we explore the connection between music and spoken word.
Rates for private VIOLIN classes (Cupertino/or Zoom):
• 30 min classes - $65 (recommended for young beginner level)
• 45 min classes - $95 (recommended for intermediate level)
• 1 hour classes - $130 (recommended for intermediate/advanced level)
Rates for private in-person CELLO classes:
30 min classes - $60 (recommended for young beginner level)
• 45 min classes - $80 (recommended for intermediate level)
• 1 hour classes - $100 (recommended for intermediate/advanced level)
Rates for private in-person PIANO classes:
• 30 min classes - $60 - $65 (recommended for young beginner level)
• 45 min classes - $80 - $90 (recommended for intermediate level)
• 1 hour classes - $100 - $120 (recommended for intermediate/advanced level)
Classes are available in-person in Cupertino, and over Zoom.
We offer a limited number of sliding scale placements in our studio for talented students, and can work out an arrangement that works for everyone.
Reach out today to schedule your trial class today!