Donis Plumbing
Donis Plumbing

Donis Plumbing

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Donis Plumbing: Hello, my focus here is plumbing. I am on the service and repair side and focus mostly on residential and light commercial plumbing repairs. I can handle anything that deals with water, gas, sewer. For any plumbing needs such as, shower/ faucet repairs/installation. Tank & Tankless water heater repair/installation. Water leaks repairs, water re routes, irrigation repairs. Sewer repairs and drain cleaning. Gas leak repairs and installation. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. My goal is to find the right plumbing solution and for the customer to understand what is going on.

Hired 31 times

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1 employee

5 years in business

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This pro accepts payments via Apple Pay, Cash, Check, and Zelle.

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Projects and media

51 photos

Projects and media

51 photos


Customers rated this pro highly for responsiveness, professionalism, and work quality.

Exceptional 5.0

15 reviews


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Ashley l.
Oct 12, 2023

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Great experience! Fixed 2 sinks and installed a new garbage disposal, very happy with the work :) Will use again!

Details: Motor hums but doesn't run • Continuous feed (most common)

Garbage Disposal Repair
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Jazmyne C.
Sep 30, 2023

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Donis Plumbing was wonderful! Responded right away, and extremely communicative. He was able to take care of my garbage disposal issue the same day, and went out of his way to accommodate my schedule. Couldn’t recommend more! The next time I have a plumbing issue I will be hiring Donis Plumbing again!

Details: Motor hums but doesn't run • Continuous feed (most common)

Garbage Disposal Repair
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Nibras T.
Aug 28, 2023

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Alex promptly addressed and resolved an unclear problem with my fill valve and also installed a bidet hose.

Details: 1 toilet • Leaking • Municipal water (most common) • House

Toilet Repair
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Sara S.
Jul 15, 2023

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Alex did an amazing job and I would definitely recommend him for any plumbing needs! I needed help with my tankless water heater because it suddenly stopped heating and I briefly explained the issue to Alex and he arrived on time with supplies that he thought he might need based on my description. He did a thorough diagnostics and explained everything he was doing as well as how the water heater works. He stayed until he tested it several times and was sure all was working. He has so much knowledge and solved the problem in the most efficient way!

Details: Repair • No hot water • Gas tankless • Other brand • Outside • House

Water Heater Repair or Maintenance
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Shannon B.
Jul 15, 2023

Hired on Thumbtack

Hired on Thumbtack

Alex was great. Worked with me beforehand to try to diagnose the problem so he could come prepared with parts to be able to fix in one visit. Explained all the work he was doing and made a high quality repair. Definitely recommend.

Details: 1 shower or bathtub • Combination shower and bathtub • Leaking faucet or shower head • House

Shower and Bathtub Repair
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Alex Donis

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Donis Plumbing
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Background Check

Alex Donis

Completed on 5/11/2023