Vr5 Construction
Vr5 Construction

Vr5 Construction

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Hello, want to see what's renovation on the excellence level? here we are Vr5, we have being in the construction Business for more than 20 Years helping the Bay Area and finally you can find us here, that new great feeling when you see all renovated? of course that's why we serve on Renovation field, we are so patinated about it... we specialize on Custom Remodeling.

Background checked

6 employees

5 years in business

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1 review


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Glen W.
Feb 6, 2023
Overall, the work was good. The following are a few points about the work. About his teamwork: • Overestimate of window blinds. Purchase too many blinds • Leftover fence pieces covered in white paint, making it impossible to return for a refund. • Employee living on the vacant property without approval, using utilities, dumping cigarette ashes on the floor, and not flushing the toilet. • Employee broke sliding glass door handle. The handle was not replaced. • Fence panels not appropriately nailed. The boards are now loose and hanging. • Drops of paint left on various locations throughout the house. • Closet doors not repaired correctly. • Overestimate of carpet.
Background Check

Omar Yanez

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Vr5 Construction
Vr5 Construction
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Credential Details
Background Check

Omar Yanez

Completed on 2/14/2023