Frank’s Power is a Business with one full time and four part-time employees. The owner earned a masters degree in electrical engineering. We have been in business since 2019 in the San Francisco Bay Area.
We specialize in Circuit Breaker Boxes, kitchen remodels, EV charger and dryer connections, Smart Home Installations, as well as more advanced electrical troubleshooting.
We generally charge $90/hr with a $40 visit charge. If we come with more people, they will be charged at lower rates.
Here is a list of estimates as well as fixed prices for various projects:
- EV charger starting from $400. Price increases with distance from the breaker box.
We will guarantee * a maximum price of $400 on EV chargers within five feet of the breaker box **.
- New sub panel starting at $300.
- Ceiling fans $150 fixed price for ceiling replacement.
- Simple chandeliers $100 fixed price, if light point already exists *.
* Additional travel charges for San Francisco or Fremont will apply.
** If no new breakers can be added to the breaker box, additional charges will apply.