CONGRATULATIONS ON CHOOSING TO LEARN AN INSTRUMENT! As you may already know, nothing is better than music at any age, from many child development benefits, staving off dementia to stroke recovery, Music reigns supreme! Out of your choices of instruments, the Piano is one of the effective with the full use of all fingers.
I am a fully Nationally Certified teacher with the Music Teachers National Association (c. 1850) and hold numerous other certifications, kept a Triple A rating from the BBB for more than 16 years in California, have played professionally and am fully qualified to teach to any level you wish. I've played professionally and keep current state Fingerprint Teachers title I, and CPR & First Aid, Adult & Pediatric certifications. Most new students are by referral and I’ve extensive experience working with a wide range of disabilities. I love music. I love teaching, I love my students. It's just so rewarding to watch everyone learn and grow. I try to pass on my love of music and learning with every lesson I teach.
Teaching Objectives:
- First, to provide quality, well rounded, piano instruction to ages 5 - 105.
- Second, to make the students as knowledgeable and self-sufficient as possible.
- Third, to reach the first two objectives effectively and still have fun doing it.
I believe that students go to teachers to Know what they are doing. Therefore I provide my students with a very well rounded curricula and a thorough grounding, but see to it that we have fun doing it so that in the end the student can figure out new music independently. After all, that's why one goes to a teacher!
We begin at the beginning and go at the students speed making sure he/she is comfortable before continuing. I pay special attention to muscle development and coordination and injury prevention. We do scales, technique, chords, jazz, classical, music from many different times and places, also music reading, history, simple composition, ear training - anything that is necessary at a given level and age to understand and improve the end performances. We will explore many different styles and as the student progresses they can choose to do more of any style they wish. As they grow more advanced they have access to the Arizona Study Program or the Royal Conservatory of Music exams (an international program) as well as recitals, festivals and competitions through the local, state and national music teacher associations, in addition to the bi-annual in-studio recitals, mini-recitals, music lab and monthly group sessions.
Private Lessons are either 45 or 60 minutes long, usually once per week. I charge $36 or $40 per lesson respectively. If I travel to you it is extra, averaging $15-20 per trip depending on the time it takes to get to you. I charge by the trip - not by the student.
For in-Person Lessons only: Materials are due on the first lesson and are charged at cost. Whatever the store charges me is what I charge you.
For remote students only: I will give you a list of the materials to purchase, to be ready by the first lesson.
You should know that I require at least 30 minutes per day minimum practice (unless the student is very young). No practice, no progress, of course!
About Your Instrument:
- first, if you don't have a keyboard instrument, one will be necessary.
- If you have a keyboard or digital piano, there is a Big difference between a toy and a real instrument. I require a minimum of 78, full-sized, touch sensitive keys. Weighted/piano action and 88 keys is better.
- If you already have a piano, when was the last time it was tuned? If not in the last 6 months you should get it done. It's like riding a bicycle. If it squeaks, rattles and the chain come off, it's not much fun. Furthermore, what they hear is what they learn.
If you buy the piano used: look inside, if there are any signs of water of bug damage, run, look at the keys at eye level are they all level, if more than a few are off, it is expensive repairs, push the keys do they move straight up and down or do they wobble or not come back up quickly? Again if more than a few are off, it is expensive repairs. If you are going to spend much money on a piano, I recommend purchasing "The Piano Book" by Larry Fine. It runs about $20 and will tell you everything you will need to know about buying and keeping a piano in plain English.
One last possibility is to rent a piano from a store. Some of the programs are quite good.
I look forward to speaking with you. Below, you can find more information on how each lesson goes, general expectations, other possible expenses and lots of advice. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Karen A Magruder, NCTM
Beginning Piano Studios
Serving since 1983
"A Good Beginning Never Ends"
Piano Practice, Performance, Music Theory & Practical Application for Ages 5-105
GROUP CLASSES: (Not active at this time)
EARLY REGISTRATION IS $350 Due by July 20th. AFTER IS $380.
Learn music by Singing First, Movement, Beginning Music Reading, Rhythms and lots of games and fun.
• 8/24/2019 - SATURDAYS MUSIKGARTEN PIANO – 1:00 - 2:30 PM OR
• 08/20/2019 – TUESDAYS MUSIKGARTEN PIANO – 5:30 – 7:00 PM
2 HOURS - MAX. 8 STUDENTS - Students will experience Joplin, Bach & Beethoven like never before. Complete a Camp Scrapbook, Create individual compositions & Participate in movement activities, from the Charleston to a Musical Relay, plus the Patriotic Supplement. All Materials are Included in the price
• 5//18 – 5/22/2020 – WEEK LONG MUSIC STUDENT SUMMER CAMP #1 – M-F, 2:45-4:45 PM
• 5//18 – 5/22/2020 – WEEK LONG MUSIC STUDENT SUMMER CAMP #2 – M-F, 5-7 PM
• 5/16 – 6/20/2020 – SATURDAYS MUSIC STUDENT SUMMER CAMP #3 – M-F, 2:45-4:45 PM
• 5/16 – 6/20/2020 – SATURDAYS MUSIC STUDENT SUMMER CAMP #4 – M-F, 5-7 PM
Learn music by Singing First, Movement, Beginning Music Reading, Rhythms and lots of games and fun.
• 5/16 – 6/20/2020 - SATURDAYS MUSIKGARTEN SUMMER CAMP #5 - 1 – 2:30 PM – 4-7 yrs.
• 5/14- 06/25/2020 – THURSDAYS MUSIKGARTEN SUMMER CAMP #6 - 5-6:30 PM – 6-8 yrs.
• 5/14- 06/25/2020 – THURSDAYS MUSIKGARTEN SUMMER CAMP #7 – 3:15-4:45 PM – 4-5 yrs.
I try hard to present students with a solid, broad based approach with an emphasis on understanding the fundamentals of musical comprehension, music reading, musical memory, and ear development. These are essential to playing and enjoyment of any instrument! To this end we cover theory, music history, performance, technique and practical application. These basics are supplemented and reinforced by the monthly group sessions, several annual field trips, access to regional, state and national music competitions and performances, as well as the formal Student Evaluations each Spring. I have a full music lab, an extensive library of music and music reference materials and up to date postings on local free or low cost musical events
While I tend to emphasize classical music and technique, we will also cover a wide range of music in various meters and modalities: classical, popular and world music in solos and duets. Supplementary books are available: holiday, religious, popular, classical, music from specific times, places, composers, movies... or whatever the student wishes, when they are ready. My personal goal is not to have a studio full of competition performers. A few are always nice of course, but the average student just wants to be able to make music - to make it sing. I DO want them to understand, appreciate, and be able to pick up something and figure it out - or apply what they know to another instrument. Once music is part of a life, it never leaves; it is the one universal language.
- Arrive and get your things out
- Warm-ups: trills, scales, 5 finger patterns, thirds, octaves, etc.
- Did you have trouble on your assignments this week? If so, we'll go directly to that.
- Demonstration of all pieces while working on any problems
- Assignment and demonstration, practice and special directions for each piece.
- Theory check and new assignment. Complete as needed.
- As time permits, review of flashcards, ear training and so forth.
- Music Lab (either before or after the lesson as fits in with the students around you) - 15-20 minutes of independent study: musical computer games to support what we are working on, read books about music, composers, music history and so forth, listen to music as supports what we are working on, complete any missed theory assignments, review of flashcards if needed.
- Farewell
I love Music! My family has always incorporated music into our lives. Some of my earliest memories are being danced around in my Mom’s arms and listening to her sing. I began formal lessons on the Piano when I was 7 years old. Growing up also I sang in the Church Choirs, played on Hand Bells, and explored the Flute. I spent a formal year each on Trumpet, Drums and Harpsichord and am currently working on learning Zither, Auto-harp, Dulcimer, and Soprano & Alto Recorders, and sometimes the guitar (when I have a chance). Of course, I also regularly read and attend lectures, conferences, seminars and master classes to always improve my teaching skills. I have been teaching piano and music theory since 1983 and have played professionally. I am a member in good standing with the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA), and was with the California Association of Music Teachers (CAPMT), Empire Music Teachers Association (EMTA), which I co-founded, the Music Educators National Conference (MENC), the Suzuki Association of North America, the National & the Inland Empire Kodaly-Orff Association, and the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy. Now I am with the Arizona Music Teachers Association (AMTA) and the local Phoenix Music Teachers Association (PMTA), on the board and secretary. I am a fully certified and licensed teacher of Kindermusik and Musikgarten and have earned National Certification (NCTM) through the MTNA and have earned Level I & II (out of 3) in Orff-Scheulwerk. I was District IV Coordinator for CAPMT, and Vice President then President of the EMTA. Finally, I hold current fingerprint and CPR & First Aid, Adult & Pediatric certifications. I keep busy and love teaching!
Pick up and Drop Off:
Please keep your speed down to 25 mph while on local streets. There are many small children on this street.
Please do NOT HONK. This is a residential area; we work very hard not to disturb our neighbors. In any case you would not like horns sounding off every hour either!
Please see that students (especially young ones) have gone to the bathroom and have washed their hands before lesson time.
During this time, all persons in the room are expected to wear masks.
Each student is expected to appear for each lesson on time. Late arrival does not mean extra time!
Arrange with me for the student to spend the extra 15 – 25 minutes in Music Lab before or after the Lesson.
Parents are welcome to stay if you like. This is especially encouraged with younger students so that you can help them better at home.
Notification of a missed lesson must be made at least 72 hours in advance or it will be charged and not made up. No more than 1 missed lesson is permitted per month.
Lessons can be made up IF we can find a time in the same month. You are responsible for scheduling the make up lesson.
Termination requires a full 4 week notice. Over this period the students account will be reviewed and any outstanding balances paid or credits made.
If you need to discuss something I am always happy to speak with you. However, please do not call between 3:00 PM and 8 PM as these are my busiest hours and it is not fair to the students who are here.
THE MONTHLY FEE IS A FLAT FEE, ATTENDED OR NOT: 45 minute lessons = $140.00 or 1 hour lessons = $160.00 per month
Each additional student per household receives a $20 Discount for their own lessons.
A 60-minute lesson may include the Recorder after moving into the JTM II book, if desired.
Termination Deposit is ½ months Tuition.
Payment is expected on or by the final lesson of each month.
Music Supplies are provided at cost.
Piano Explorer subscription is $10.00 annually (optional for grades 4 & up)
Late payment fee is $30.00. Deadline is the last day of the previous month.
Bounced check fee is $30.00 for banks bounce fee (or what the bank charges me).
Students who are listed in a Recital Program who fail to show will be charged $10.00. This takes at least 4 days notice!
Other outside Recitals, Competitions & ASP Student Evaluations are at cost, usually $5 to $30.00.
Included with lessons at No Charge:
15 to 25 minute Weekly Music Lab
Guarantee that the student will receive a minimum of 4 lessons per month, unless you miss class
Occasionally, 5 lessons in one month
Monthly 90 minute Group Sessions on a Saturday afternoon
Bi-Annual Formal Studio Recitals
Access to Field Trips and many activities provided by the local, state & national music teacher associations
If You Are an Online Student:
• Please have your materials ready Before the lesson time. We have been wasting a lot of your lesson time when you have to spend time hunting for stuff.
• if you’re using a device that is not plugged into an outlet, make sure it is adequately charged before the lesson
• Have device's camera set up so that both hands and the student are clearly within shot. Yes. You may need to purchase a stand that can hold the phone for a proper picture.
* Zoom audio: have 'original sound' on, automatic mic adjustment off, make sure input volume is not set too high or too low (I need to research some of the other zoom audio settings)
• Don’t set up with a lot of light right behind you, but none in front of you.
• If using a phone/tablet, turn the device so the microphone isn’t at the bottom (sound gets muffled and distorted). Seems obvious to us, but I’ve found kids don’t always think about that.
• Unless you have very fast internet, everyone in the house needs to be offline during their lessons--- tv's, laptops, desktops, phones or on a different network.
• If using Wi-Fi, be as close to the modem as possible (and I’ve heard it's best to use a device that is plugged directly into the modem rather than Wi-Fi but I haven't tested this myself)
• Avoid using a Chromebook for the lessons
• If there are multiple devices to choose from for the lesson, the audio and video connection will be better with a newer/more high-quality device.
• You might want to use headphones for your device's audio output, but make sure the microphone being used for audio input is not any kind of headset mic
• It is helpful to close out any other resource-heavy programs on the device that do not need to be used during the lesson.
• Do remember that audio is ‘one way’, so if you play or say something while the teacher is speaking or playing, teacher likely won’t be able to hear you. Similarly, if you play while the teacher is speaking or playing, teacher might not be aware if you can hear him or not.
• Ideally be in a room that is quiet (but I know that might not be possible).
• Encourage siblings to be respectful of the lesson time