Astrology - ever wonder what it's all about or how it applies to you, your relationships, your career or your finances? I guarantee you it is much more than what a news column says about it. A lot more. In fact, the position of the 'stars' right this minute is affecting your mood, perception, finances and relationships!
Indeed it is affecting you even now. The fact that you are here reading this indicates that you are a spiritual seeker, or at least very curious and have always wanted to know more about astrology and what it means and how it affects you.
The most elite of the wealthy and powerful know of it's impact - they have used it for centuries to guide them through life's challenges. Now you can too!
I have 30+ years of study (since 1986) & 20+ years helping people understand themselves & their relationships better by getting an astrology reading.
An accurately cast birthchart can reveal the inner secrets of your personality. knowing who you really are and what your strengths and challenges are can give you a blueprint to remove inner and outer roadblocks and self-sabotage.
I have the experience that can move you forward to your goals!
I look forward to working with you!
Spiritual Counseling:
Are you dissatisfied (or even fed up!) with the religion you were raised with but don’t know who or what to believe?
Are you suspicious something isn’t quite right about what your current religious/spiritual leaders are saying? Are you doubting their truth, accuracy or believability?
Are you confused with all the discrepancies in what you’re told or what you hear about spirituality and religion?
Do you want to be on a spiritual path but don’t want to get in with the ‘wrong’ group?
Do you want to connect to your own inner knowing or truth but don’t know how or are afraid to do it alone?
Does all the change and chaos in the world leave you feeling isolated & misunderstood, with no where to turn?
Are you seeking answers – ultimate answers about life and your place in it but don’t know where to start?
Do you feel lost in life? Like, what’s it all about anyways, this being alive thing?
If any of these questions (or more than one!) resonate with you, I can be of service and guidance to you on your spiritual path. Believe it or not, know it or not, YOU, yes you – are a spiritual being having a human experience – right now!
Our current society is in decay and transition. Familiar religious paths have gone stale. Spirituality is often left out or castigated as ‘dangerous’ or even evil. Well, it can be if you’re not careful and discerning. You are aware of this but not sure what to do.
I can be of service to you. I am of the Light. I will only work with those interested in their and my own highest good. I’m quite concerned with my own Karma so don’t want to entangle myself with yours or anyone else’s.
I am not a Guru and I am not looking for followers. I am a guide, a mentor and a teacher who has been exploring, learning and growing in my spirituality for almost my entire life. In my early 60s now, I have a lot of experience, wisdom and truth to share with those looking for a mentor or a guide.
Raised Roman Catholic, I took it seriously as a child but by my teens I had deep questions the priests could not answer, except to “have faith, my son”. That was not enough – I was ready to work!
I also saw all the hypocrisy and lack of effort to follow even the most basic of lessons offered during Sunday Mass. I began the process of leaving the Church and it a long time to free myself of it’s restrictions.
I set out on a journey – seeking. On that journey I have studied and practiced Existentialism, Zen, Hindu, Native American, Buddhist and Taoist paths.
I have formal training in 4 meditation styles:
- Transcendental
- Vipassana
- Shambhala
- Taoist
I also use and can assist in the use of oracles. Personally, I have used Rune stones for divination (sometimes daily) since my 20s. I have used the I-Ching regularly since 2001. I continue to learn about Qabalah, Tarot and Numerology – seeking their commonalities and differences.
I study ancient religious history – that of the founding of Judeo-Christian and pre- Judeo-Christian origins. I have psychic abilities as well that can assist us in your guidance.
As the saying goes, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
If this resonates with you, contact me and we’ll get started. A session with me is a generous hour. If you decide more than one session is warranted, I will give you a package discount.