Robinson Renew Carpet Tile And Window Cleaning
Robinson Renew Carpet Tile And Window Cleaning

Robinson Renew Carpet Tile And Window Cleaning

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Hi everyone 👋 I’m Stephan I’m the owner of Robinson Renew Carpet Tile and Window Cleaning that has been proudly serving our community since 2015. Our services are highly regarded in Goodyear Avondale Litchfield Park, Buckeye, and nearby areas. We utilize top-of-the-line equipment to ensure top-notch results. Contact us for a free estimate or to schedule your appointment.

Hired 2 times

Background checked

10 years in business

Payment methods

This pro accepts payments via Apple Pay, Cash, Check, Credit card, Square cash app, and Zelle.

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3 reviews


pro avatar
David S.
Dec 14, 2015
Was very professional, answered all my questions, did an excellent job on our Tile & Carpet. Was Polite and on time. Would use him again and recommend. Also good price for the jobs that were performed.
pro avatar
Joshua L.
Dec 14, 2015
Very professional, reasonable, excellent work. Very happy to have your services!!! Job well done on our floors and white, os should I say now white couch.
pro avatar
Jimmy L.
Dec 14, 2015
Prompt, professional,and good work performed
Background Check

Stephan Robinson


  • How did you get started doing this type of work?

    I previously worked for another company doing the same work.

  • What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a provider in your area of work?

    Equipment is one of the most important things to look for in choosing the right company

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Robinson Renew Carpet Tile And Window Cleaning
Robinson Renew Carpet Tile And Window Cleaning
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  • Are not directly related to pro's professionalism, interactions, or performance

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Background Check

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Occupational licenses show that a pro has met the requirements of the relevant regulatory body to perform a certain type of work. The requirements to obtain a license for an occupation vary widely by state, and type of license. When a pro gives Thumbtack their license number, Thumbtack will verify that the license is valid and current at the time the pro submitted their license number through a public database.

Credential Details
Background Check

Stephan Robinson

Completed on 9/4/2024